106 examples of ungrammatical in sentences

'The style of Shakespeare was in itself ungrammatical, perplexed, and obscure.'

If it were a sin against decency, or an attempt to poison the minds of the people, for a person to be ungrammatical, it might be wise enough to hire men to protect the well of English from defilement.

Adj. ungrammatical; incorrect, inaccurate; faulty; improper, incongruous; solecistic, solecistical^. 569.

See here, Mr. BEZZLE, I want you to pick out from this counter just what you want, and" "Sir!" exclaimed Mr. BEZZLE, leaping at the publisher with eyes that fairly blazed with the radiance of rectitude, "who do you take me for?" If Mr. BEZZLE had been less violent he would probably have said, "Whom do you take me for," and so have spared himself the ignominy of sinking to the ungrammatical level of the Common Herd.

The rustic maiden, slow and sweet in ungrammatical speech, who helps plant corn by day, and makes picturesque the interior of the cabin in the glare of "lightwood" torches by night; turns men's heads and wins children's hearts in Charles Egbert Craddock's tale, The Prophet of the Great Smoky Mountains, (1885).

On June 11, Lamb wrote again: "DEAR B.B., "One word more of the picture verses, and that for good and all; pray, with a neat pen alter one line "His learning seems to lay small stress on "to "His learning lays no mighty stress on, "to avoid the unseemly recurrence (ungrammatical also) of 'seems' in the next line, besides the nonsense of 'but' there, as it now stands.

If the works of grammarians are often ungrammatical, whose fault is this but their own?

Believing that no theory can better explain the principles of our language, and no contrivance afford greater facilities to the student, the writer has in general adopted those doctrines which are already best known; and has contented himself with attempting little more than to supply the deficiencies of the system, and to free it from the reproach of being itself ungrammatical.

Of the tens of thousands who have learned for grammar a multitude of ungrammatical definitions and rules, comparatively few will ever know what I have to say of their acquisitions.

Nothing can be more ungrammatical, than is much of the language by which grammar itself is now professedly taught! OBS.

That the use of the plural for the singular is ungrammatical, it is neither discreet nor available to affirm; yet, surely, it did not originate in any regard to grammar rules.

Murray, Comly, and others, here approve only the former order; but the latter is certainly not ungrammatical.

So judged at least the ancient grammarians, who noticed and named almost every possible form of the zeugma, without censuring any as being ungrammatical.

"'His language, though inelegant, is not ungrammatical;' that is, it is grammatical.

I do not see that the copulative and is here ungrammatical; but if we prefer a disjunctive, ought it not to be or rather than nor? It appears to be the opinion of some, that in ail these examples, and in similar instances innumerable, nor only is proper.

The following example is therefore ungrammatical: "For my part, I love him not, nor hate him not.

Again, if they mean, that the conjunction sometimes connects word with word, and sometimes, sentence with sentence; this sense they have not expressed, but have severally puzzled their readers by an ungrammatical use of the word "and."

Can there be an inelegant use of prepositions which is not positively ungrammatical? LESSON XXXII.INTERJECTIONS.

Underlining words, in preparing manuscripts, to denote Italics &c. Understood, words said, in technical phrase, to be, what such, (Lat., subaudita) Ungrammatical language by which grammar itself is professedly taught, sample from MURR.; from PINNEO;

It has signs of carelessness throughout; the former sentence being both tautological and ungrammatical.

But I am confident that these authors teach erroneously; that their use of indicative forms for mere suppositions that are contrary to the facts, is positively ungrammatical; and that the potential imperfect is less elegant, in such instances, than the simple subjunctive, which they reject or distort.

(As her skull was shared by Sister Belle, I suppose Marie was strictly logical, if ungrammatical, in referring to it as 'them.')

" "From who?" cried Tutt in ungrammatical surprise.

For instance, the sisters never could bring themselves to use certain ungrammatical forms of speech, such as thee for thou, and would wear bonnets of a shape and material better adapted to protect them from the cold than those prescribed by Quaker style.

His speech is something shocking; nothing but the slang of the streets, and so ungrammatical that I could scarcely understand him at times.

106 examples of  ungrammatical  in sentences