80 examples of unify in sentences

" The next problem we have to solve is how to unify the bewildering variety of ideas and activities that a child seeks contact with during a day.

In the following passages, make such changes and omissions as are necessary to unify the tone: How I loved to stroll, on those long Indian summer afternoons, into the quiet meadows where the mild-breathed kine were grazing!

A philosophy which should unify the sum-total of human experience, including the supernatural facts of Christianity, is impossible; but even excluding these facts there is always need of some kind of non-rational assent, which, however reasonable and prudent in the very interests of thought, is not necessitated by the laws of thoughtis not, in the strictest sense philosophical.

After various futile efforts during his later years to unify his empire, Charles died from an illness which seized him in 877, on his return to France from a fruitless campaign of subjugation and pillage in Italy.

It is desirable alike to clear our own heads, to unify our efforts, and to give the nations of the world some assurance and standard for our national conduct in the future, that we should now define the Idea of our Empire and its relation to the world outlook much more clearly than has ever hitherto been done.

They unify the German people.

An attempt to unify them is seen in the design to have the confessor relate, at the lover's request, those stories which reveal the causes tending to hinder or to further love.

An accepted story can unify an otherwise diverse population, provide widespread support for a single regime and reassure people in times of stress.

The Biblical myth of Jacob and his sons served to unify formerly non-allied desert tribes (with the same names as Jacob's sons) in ancient Sinai.

Lastly, we all remember the vision which appeared to Brutus on the eve of the battle of Philippi, of a huge and fearsome figure standing by him in silence, which Shakespeare has made into the ghost of Caesar and used to unify his play.

"Captain Marks-Owens will now initiate the program that will unify the probes into a single system.

'Behold, how good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unify,' and there are few brethren towards whom we feel closer affinity than the members of that Church, which was represented of old by Gomarus and Witsius, by Voet and Marck, and Bernard de Moore, and whose Synod of Dort preceded in time and pioneered in doctrine our own Westminster Assembly.

So conceived, he appeared to unify the world more perfectly, he made it less finite and mechanical, and in comparison with such a God an external creator seemed more like the product of a childish fancy.

Our brains do indeed unify and correlate innumerable functions.

Nor would it be straining the point, nor be dealing in poetical fancies, if we should predicate upon the introduction of the English lark into American society a supplementary influence much needed to unify and nationalise the heterogeneous elements of our population.

The secondary I consider as an echo of the former; it dissolves, diffuses, dissipates, in order to re-create; or where this process is rendered impossible, yet still, at all events, it struggles to idealise and to unify.

It has been found that much of this expense can be saved by insurance in groups (for all employees in an establishment), by compulsory insurance (as of all working men), and by central state administration serving to regularize and unify the organizations.

(7) Ownership of stock in two or more competing companies, by the same individual or group of individuals, to such an extent as appreciably to unify the policies of the competing companies.

The moods of the various poems were to be made to correspond with the seasons represented; or, conversely, outward nature in its cycle through the year was to reflect and thereby unify the emotions, thoughts, and passions of the shepherds.

Throughout the latter years of the nineteenth century the will to unify gained much ground.

Despite several attempts to unify the continent politically, Europe was disrupted, fragmented and weakened by two general wars in a single generation.

At no known point in social history were conquerors and exploiters able to unify the earth politically and exploit its total economic resources.

Metternich himself was now compelled to retire, Frederick William IV. of Prussia granted his people a constitution, and the other German states seethed with revolt; but the great liberal plan to unify Germany under the leadership of Prussia was nullified by Frederick William's refusal to accept the imperial crown from a democratic assembly.

In the reaction that followed the intoxication of liberal enthusiasm, with the failure of the attempt to unify Germany under Prussian leadership, the German lands relapsed into dull acquiescence in the old regime.

The more consistently things are contemplated, the more they tend to unify themselves and therefore to simplify themselves.

80 examples of  unify  in sentences