11 examples of uninfluential in sentences

They persecuted, indeed, just enough to make themselves doubly odious; but they always laid hands on people who, if not quite innocent, were subordinate and uninfluential.

Except a few wealthy proprietors, already very uninfluential, the most singular unanimity exists, both as to aim and to means.

The adherents of the dead bastard Duke were neither few nor uninfluential.

Failing Lockhart, an editor, named Tyndale, had been appointed on short notice, though he was an obscure and uninfluential person.

All this unfortunately is omitted, and he hurries on to details often trifling and uninfluential, sometimes low, vile, and vulgar, and, what is worse, occasionally inconsistent with any feeling of personal dignity and self-respect.

It was unworthy of the Spanish nation to take notice of the arrival of so uninfluential a person as Purser Smith; and it was imprudent, inasmuch as it made him a person of importance, and gave the party with whom he was supposed to be connected a peg to hang grievances upon, and thus added to their strength.

Histories are commonly uninfluential or worthless, unless written with views so earnest and decided as to show bias.

She is thoroughly thoughtful, and her religion is not of the uninfluential kind Mary describes.

Sir, it is not for me, an humble and uninfluential individual, at an awful distance from the predominant influences, to suggest plans for Government.

At the outset we must realize that in any complex society there are wide ranges of ideology, from the body of ideas held by small uninfluential sects to the purposes, ideas, policy declarations and actions of governing oligarchies.

This is so self-evident that we need not stop to pass in review the frozen fragments of humanity on the north of us, nor the weak, superstitious, semi-barbarous, revolutionary, and uninfluential kingdoms to the south of us.

11 examples of  uninfluential  in sentences