45 examples of unlatched in sentences

"Was the window found open or shut?" "It was found unlatched, sir," Finch answered.

It was unlatched and yielded to my touch.

It was unlatched, and as no one answered when she tapped Betty gently pushed it open and stepped into the room.

I myself found this window unlatched.

As the others came in, glancing curiously about them and noting the still smouldering fire and the evidences of recent occupation, the detective unlatched the French window and stepped out into the snow that covered the roof of the little porch below.

Letting herself out into the corridor, she drew the door to behind her, but left it unlatched; with what object, she did not know.

Besides, if I hurry back" In quick strides Lanyard crossed to the corridor door, unlatched and opened it an inch, peered out, and gave the sum of what he saw in a gesture of finality, then leaving the door ajar turned swiftly back to the girl.

" She went to the unlatched door and stood with her face to the night.

Then the voices in the corridor ceased, and with a decisive movement he unlatched the door.

" Off scampered Alicia, leaving the door unlatched behind her.

Through the unlatched door she heard a tramping of unshod masculine feet in the passage, and the delightful curt greeting of Osmond Orgreave and his sleepy son Jimmiesplendid powerful males.

After a long pause the bell rang again; and then the gas globe over Hilda's head vibrated for a moment to footsteps in the hall, and the front door was unlatched.

Hilda as silently as possible unlatched the door of the bedroom, and stood with ear cocked.

Trembling, she crept to the door, and gently unlatched it.

Supposing it to be Bridget with the baby,croup, probably, or a fit,I unlocked and unlatched it promptly.

And they beheld the sword of Sir Tristram where it lay, for he had laid it upon the bed when he had unlatched the belt to make himself ready for that bath.

I had frequently noticed that when he entered a room it was through an open door, and I sometimes knew of his approach by seeing an unlatched door open without visible cause; so, feeling secure for the present, I lay and gasped and panted.

Passengers unlatched overhead bins and waited in the aisle for the door to open.

I told Lew Hervey that he was too careless to take care of the mares; and the first thing he's done is to leave the gate unlatched.

Some one had left the front door unlatched.

" He stood there, having pulled back the curtain a little and unlatched the shutter, looking out through the glass.

The low building was evidently the stable, and into this I crept, for the door was unlatched.

The door unlatched itself, swung inward hesitatingly, and hung wavering for a moment on its sagging hinges.

It is unlatched from outside.

Then some one turned the door-knob so cautiously and slowly that it unlatched without a sound.

45 examples of  unlatched  in sentences