2527 examples of unlikes in sentences

Unlike an ordinary photograph, which yields a picture of things already seen, it gives a presentment of objects hitherto invisible; and hence, when Polton poured the developer on the already wet paper, we all craned over the tray with the keenest curiosity.

Never were two human creatures more unlike in their ways of thought.

Handsomely carved pillars supported the roof, the floor was well paved, while on either side there were receptacles, not unlike the niches in the Roman catacombs, though for what purpose they were intended was not at first glance so easy to determine.

The niche in question was filled with strange-looking vessels, some like bowls, and others not unlike crucibles.

Unlike Jeremy Taylor, who wrote for the learned, and whose involved sentences and classical allusions are sometimes hard to follow, Baxter went straight to his mark, appealing directly to the judgment and feeling of his readers.

To the romanticists a reality of the imagination is as satisfying as a reality of the prosaic reason; hence, unlike the classicists, the romanticists can enjoy The Tempest and A Midsummer Night's Dream.

Unlike Wordsworth, Thomson had not sufficient genius to invest Nature with an intelligent, loving, companionable soul; but his pictures of her were sufficiently novel and attractive to cause such a classicist and lover of the town as Dr. Samuel Johnson to say: "The reader of The Seasons wonders that he never saw before what Thomson shows him, and that he never yet has felt what Thomson impresses.

Unlike the majority of modern novels, Defoe's masterpiece does not contain a love story.

The affairs in the lives of the leading characters are so minutely dissected, the plot is evolved so slowly and in a way so unlike the astonishing bounds of the old romance, that one is tempted to say that Richardson's novels progress mere slowly than events in life.

France was in a distracted state, not so much from political agitation as from the discontent engendered by poverty, and by the difficulty of finding work for operatives,a state not unlike that of England before the passage of the Reform Bill.

Sir Archibald Alison seems to think that Lamartine cannot be numbered among the great historians, since, like the classic historians of Greece and Rome, he has not given authorities for his statements, and, unlike German writers, disdains foot-notes as pedantic.

But such utter unlikes cannot but end in dislikes, and so it proved between Erasmus and Luther.

Whilst regarding his brilliant son Giovanni, perhaps, with the keenest affection, Cosimo saw in his younger boy traits not unlike his own, and an instinctive love of arms.

Very unlike her elder sisters, Maria and Isabella, she was somewhat reserved in manner; she spoke little, but expressed her opinion with flashes of her eyes."

She says she read it oncethat the children of unlikes were always a cross-current and a contradiction.

And my father and mother are unlikes, and I'm the children.

I'm beginning to see that the child does sufferI mean the child of unlikes.

Why couldn't Father and Mother have been just the common live-happy-ever-after kind, or else found out before they married that they were unlikes?

"Children of unlikes, you know.

Didn't you ever hear thatthat a child of unlikes was a cross-current and a contradiction?" "Well, noIhadn't," answered Father, in a queer, half-smothered voice.

" Excellent maid though she wasMiss Farrow had never known anyone who could do hair as Pegler couldthe woman was in some ways very unconventional, very unlike an ordinary lady's maid.

It's impairing her looks, making her nervous and almost hystericalin a word, quite unlike herself.

What had just taken place was utterly unlike anything she had ever imagined.

In many problems money appears to be at the same time like and unlike other things of value, and just wherein lies the difference often is difficult to determine.

Now the relative advantages of various industries in two such countries are very unlike.

2527 examples of  unlikes  in sentences