18 examples of unmarred in sentences

Their good is good entire, unmixed, unmarred; They find a paradise in every field, On boughs forbidden, where no curses hang: Their ill no more than strikes the sense, unstretched By previous dread or murmur in the rear; When the worst comes, it comes unfeared; one stroke Begins and ends their woe: they die but once; Blessed incommunicable privilege!

There can be nothing in the world more beautiful than the Yosemite, its groves of giant sequoias and redwoods, the Canyon of the Colorado, the Canyon of the Yellowstone, the three Tetons; and the representatives of the people should see to it that they are preserved for the people forever, with their majestic beauty all unmarred.

Adj. healthy, healthful; in health &c n.; well, sound, hearty, hale, fresh, green, whole; florid, flush, hardy, stanch, staunch, brave, robust, vigorous, weatherproof. unscathed, uninjured, unmaimed^, unmarred, untainted; sound of wind and limb, safe and sound.

Adj. preserving &c v.; conservative; prophylactic; preservatory^, preservative; hygienic. preserved &c v.; unimpaired, unbroken, uninjured, unhurt, unsinged^, unmarred; safe, safe and sound; intact, with a whole skin.

Angela wanted the day to be perfect, unmarred by trouble or vexation; and though she had her fears, when morning came the Model started off so well that hope began to rise.

With this object in view she made haste, in a fashionable tea-room of the rue de Rivoli, to group about Indiana the most titled members of the band; and the felicity of the occasion would have been unmarred had she not suddenly caught sight of Raymond de Chelles sitting on the other side of the room.

They were pleasant to many, readable by more, and quite unmarred by any spark of cleverness, flash of wit, or morbid taint of philosophy.

Here in comparative solitude the whale of a melon could be consumed and the function be unmarred by the presence of volunteer guests.

There followed for him a time of fearful delight, not unmarred by spells of troubled wonder.

So they were received into the inner life of the mountains; so the spirit that dwells in that unmarred world whispered to them the secrets of its enduring strength and lofty peace.

The woman held the girl close in her arms and looked into the lovely, winsome face that was so unmarred by vicious thoughts of the world's teaching.

To me, your face is all like this"and she softly kissed, in turn, the woman's unmarred cheek.

But while that truly benevolent inclination was, in his consciousness, unmarred with sinister motive of any sort; still, deeper than the impulse for good in James Rutlidge's nature lay those dominant instincts and passions that were his by inheritance and training.

The comradeship between the two young people grew stronger, hour by hour, as the painter worked at his easel to express with canvas and color and brush the spirit of the girl whose character and life was so unmarred by the world.

He had been dreaming aimlessly of a place he had seen not so long ago; a place where the stove was black and shining, with a fire crackling cheeringly inside and a teakettle with straight, unmarred spout and dependable handle singing placidly to itself and puffing steam with an air of lazy comfort, as if it were smoking a cigarette.

To such the wreath be given, If they unfalteringly have striven In honor, as in limb, unmarred.

The ceremony was quiet and dignified, unmarred by disorder of any kind.

Those with the best tattooed faces were carefully beheaded that their heads might be sold unmarred to the White traders.

18 examples of  unmarred  in sentences