449 examples of unpopular in sentences

On such an occasion, the flowers used were emblematical, and if the bride happened to be unpopular, she often encountered on her way to the church flowers of a not very complimentary meaning.

" "I merely mean, ma'am, that the term would be monstrously unpopular; nor do I see why the sports in a city"Aristabulus was much too peculiar in his notions, to call any place that had a mayor and aldermen a town,"should not be just as rustic as those of a village.

That retribution follows in the wake of an unpopular German officer, as shown by extracts from captured German diaries, is attested to by the record of two grim tragedies in the African bush, one of an officer who "lost his way," the other of an officer who was shot by his own men.

"There is a young teacher in her school, Miss Matthews, who is seldom invited anywhere, she is so unpopular.

"If there hasn't been an accident to detain her, she's very rude, and certainly not fit to be a teacher of manners, and I don't wonder she's unpopular with the girls.

The honest enforcement of the law renders the officer unpopular, even if it does not expose him to personal danger.

But hardy a scintilla of this is perceived on ordinary occasions; indeed it has become so unpopular that an exhibition of it seems to quietly amuseto evoke mild smiles and dubious glancesrather than meet with reciprocity of approval.

He was obliged to resort to severities that made him more and more unpopular.

It might perhaps make you temporarily a little unpopular, necessitate a trip to Europe perhaps, or something of that sort.

The Civil Rights Act of 1875 grew rapidly unpopular, and the decision which overturned it coincided with the strong drift of opinion.

Disregarding the discrimination which is always apparent against those who are unpopular, or who suffer under special opprobrium, as do liquor dealers, owners of lotteries, and the like,[30]

He was an able officer, but a harsh, irritable, unpopular man, who had little skill in the art of renewing old connections or of forming new ones, or in taking advantage of the injustice and arrogance with which the Carthaginians after the death of the Scipios had treated friend and foe in Further Spain, and had exasperated all against them.

" Next to the delight of holding new and unpopular opinions is the delight of having a medium for their unedited expression, though this is a delight given to few reformers.

The cardinal has died unpopular, for he has left nothing to his servants by his will; he directed, however, that no expense should be spared in his funeral, wishing that it might be splendid, but, unfortunately for him, he has died precisely at that season of the year (the Holy Week) when alone it is impossible, according to the church customs, to give him a splendid burial.

Therefore, the first is called a defence either by way of denial or by way of conjecture; the second is called a defence by definition; the third, although it is an unpopular name, is called the judicial one.

For this reason in the following poem I have purposely taken up the cudgels for that somewhat unpopular class of sportsmen, the "thrusters" of the hunting field.

They are unpopular with masters of hounds because they ride too close to the pack; but as a general rule they are the only people who ever see a really fast run.

And then again, many, who, when they first reached Nicaragua, were no cowards, after a few months' stay, became changed,by the depressing effects of fever, by loss of confidence in their drunken officers, and by the absence of all incentive to fight stoutly for a leader so unpopular as Walker.

In nearly all the colonies a chronic quarrel had been kept up between the governors appointed by the king and the legislators elected by the people, and this had made the "one-man power" very unpopular.

Besides, it was something that had been unpopular in ancient Greece and Rome, and it was thought to be essentially unrepublican in principle.

He was the most unpopular and the most indispensable man in the city,they could live neither with him nor without him.

William Morrison, after discharging his duty so manfully, was permitted to go on shore the same evening, to visit his friends; and, indeed, the captain could not have known before that he belonged to the place, as he surely would not have confided to the lad so unpopular a task as that of kidnapping his own relations and acquaintances.

In old times he had been an inventor of many clever tricks for getting up-town by unpopular elevated trains and horse-cars that avoided the crowd, but the subway was a great leveler, and he knew no magic except to take a local in rush hours.

General Anstruther, having made himself unpopular, was obliged, on his return to Scotland, to pass in disguise to his own estate; and crossing a frith, he said to the waterman, "This is a pretty boat, I fancy you sometimes smuggle with it."

I am well aware, moreover, that this is not the only calumny which has been circulated against my person and reputation; nor is it the first time that the Maréchal d'Ancre has been designated as the instigator of my unpopular measures; every new cabal inventing some fallacy to undermine my authority and to throw discredit upon my government.

449 examples of  unpopular  in sentences