47 examples of unprofessional in sentences

No likings, I meanno leanings this way or that, for humane or other purely unprofessional reasons.

It is particularly eligible in the diseases of children; but then it is quite impossible for unprofessional persons to judge when it may be appropriately exhibited.

This observation, moreover, it behoves a mother carefully to regard, since the symptoms, popularly supposed to indicate the existence of worms, are so deceptive, (and none more so than that which is usually so much depended uponthe picking of the nose,) that it may be positively asserted to be impossible for an unprofessional person to form a correct and sound opinion in any of these cases.

This is not surprising, since they so closely resemble those which characterise the presence of worms, that an unprofessional person is almost sure to be misled by them.

It is folly, at any time, for an unprofessional person to prescribe for a case where worms are actually known to exist: surely where there is any doubt upon the latter point it must be greater folly still.

So" the green eyes smiled upon her imperturbably"as I am naturally interested in your welfare, I took my courage in both hands and, at the risk of being considered unprofessional,I came.

Now remember, Lady Evesham, my visit to-morrow is to be of a strictly unprofessional character.

It is brilliantly advocated in the Thoughts of Pascal, and clearly and forcibly defended in that most remarkable essay in unprofessional philosophy, Cardinal Newman's Grammar of Assent.

I have seen men enough diewe doctors are hardened to it: but I have seen unprofessional deathsmen we didn't kill ourselves; I have seen men drowned, shot, hanged, run over, and worse deaths than that, sir, too;and, somehow, I never felt any death like that man's.

Here we again have a law-term apparently so out of the ken of an unprofessional writer, that it would seem to favor the Attorney and Solicitor theory.

Such people naturally look upon a leak as very lubberly and unprofessional, and therefore scrupulously avoid letting in any water, supplying its place with something more cheery, under the enlivening influence whereof, those who would be puzzled to decide whether a hand-organ was playing "Hail, Columbia!" or "Pop goes the Weasel," lose all false modesty as to their musical powers, and become royally (I beg majesty's pardon) vocal.

As regards finance, speaking again from a purely unprofessional standpoint, one may go so far as to say that it is not only essential to keep the national household in order, but to maintain the credit of the State, so that, on the outbreak of war, it may be possible to raise the vast sums of money required for carrying it on without too onerous conditions.

Lawyers who had no such humanitarian view of life, no such earnest, sincere desire to lighten the load of poverty resting so heavily on the shoulders of many, said it was unprofessional, sensational, a "bid for popularity."

The sword-swallower next them was already busy, and the Homme Sauvage, a hirsute person, whose unprofessional mien was both kind and peaceable (as Yvonne had discovered unofficially last night), was roaring horribly, at two sous the head, in his enclosure near by.

If a solicitor doesn't swindle in the proper shabby-magnificent way, they chuck him for unprofessional conduct."


Unprofessional © 12Sep30; A27465.


To my unprofessional eye, these ships looked quite as efficient as any warlike armament of the same nature that I had yet seen.

The regular troops looked with contempt upon the unprofessional movements of the militia; the militia railed at the dilatory and useless formalities of the regulars.

" The earnestness of the old man's language and manner, and the pleading gentleness of the young woman, forcibly impressed me; and, albeit, it was a somewhat unprofessional mode of business, I determined to hear their story from their own lips, rather than take it from the scrawled brief, or through the verbal medium of their attorney.

"No, Mr. Discount, not starving; there is the work-house, as I observed before; besides, allow me to suggest that these appeals to feeling are quite unprofessionalquite unprofessional.

On the appointed day came a communication with the L. and F. seal, which I opened, not without unprofessional eagerness.

It appears as if these unprofessional nurses were just as much in want of knowledge of the laws of health as professional ones.

Put to him an unprofessional question, and you strike him dumb; an abstract truth locks his jaws.

47 examples of  unprofessional  in sentences