Do we say unreal or unreel

unreal 446 occurrences

It was like a theatric effect, unreal, unconvincing, incredible.

Things were strangely mixed up, the real and the unreal grouped and mingled in a manner that gave to all the just proportions and appearance of sober actualities.

I am not raising a merely fanciful and unreal objection.

An effort was being made to promote a real Anglo-Italian understanding, to substitute for those misty and unreal personifications"England" to an Italian, "Italy" to an Englishmanreal personal knowledge and a sense of individual comradeship in a great cause.

None of them shrieked or said a funny thing, and this made everything seem peculiarly unreal.

The shock had been so swift that already it seemed half unreal.

No doubt they may have done the good that extreme theories usually do, in bringing out either positively or negatively one side or another of the truth; but in themselves they have been rejected as at once inadequate and unreal solutions of the facts.

I will not detain the House with the details, but certainly it is a true satisfaction to know that a great deal of talk as to the Chinese interest in the suppression of opium being fictitious is unreal.

All Hume's problems, therefore, are unreal, and those of his apriorist critics are doubly removed from reality.

Utopia is unreal for the politician, but exists as an ideal for the theorist.

Many a far-off promontory Melts in silvery haze, Many a scene of song and story Tells of Roman days; Real and unreal, past and present, Make the vision seem Like the rapture evanescent Of a happy dream.

In that unreal golden light the scene became merely symbolical: it was like one of those strange animal masks which the Middle Ages brought down from antiquity by way of the satyr-plays of Greece, and of which the half-human protagonists still grin and contort themselves among the Christian symbols of Gothic cathedrals.

Everything was unreal.

'This way of escape seemed at first fantastic and unreal, but it has come to seem to me the only practical way out of my difficulty.

There were lines of camels sauntering majestically along three hill-tops, making time, and the speed of the car we rode in, seem utterly unreal.

The blacking of shoes and brushing of stiff, electric, bristling hair, all on end with frost and hope, the struggling into the plate-armor of his starched shirt, the tying of the portentous and uncontrollable cravat before the glass, which was hopelessly dimmed every moment by his eager breath,these trivial and vulgar details were made beautiful and unreal by the magic of youth and love.

The loneliness of the place had entered our very bones, and silence seemed natural, for after a bit the sound of our voices became a trifle unreal and forced; whispering would have been the fitting mode of communication, I felt, and the human voice, always rather absurd amid the roar of the elements, now carried with it something almost illegitimate.

and then went out a little way into the bush, so that I could see across the river to the farther landscape, and the same profound yet indefinable emotion of distress seized upon me again as I saw the interminable sea of bushes stretching to the horizon, looking ghostly and unreal in the wan light of dawn.

In truth, the gentle monk lived so much in the unreal and celestial world of Beauty, that he was by no means a skilful guide for the passes of common life.

Their paths were separate here; for she had some unreal notions of duty, and he had too much to do in the world to clog himself with cares, or to idle an hour in the rare ecstasy of even love like this.

But even what was obviously sincere and real, seemed utterly insincere and unreal to Blanche Farrow, during those tense hours.

In a sense she still felt as if she was living through a terrible, unreal dream, and yet it was an unutterable relief to be no longer obliged to pretend.

Yet they seemed even more thin, more wax-like, more unreal, than had their pallor come by merciful death.

"Letitia, you are sitting there and being epigrammatic, just like the people in those unreal society plays they had last year.

His positive religion gives the impression of being invented; it is artificial, unreal.

unreel 0 occurrences

Do we say   unreal   or  unreel