73 examples of unseeing in sentences

Not a countenance but wore that immobile look, the fixed, unseeing eye of the spent runner, who is overtaxing heart and lungs.

" He lay quite still, staring upward with unseeing eyes.

Then she crouched, staring with wide, unseeing eyes into the outside dark.

Onlythis veritably smacked of geniusthe blue coat with the gold buttons had been made too small for him, and he'd have to wait until they sent him a larger size"a No. 12," he said, with a careless, unseeing glance at our group.

But half an hour later when Ida went into the library she found him absorbed in his books as usual, and he only glanced up at her with absent, unseeing eyes, as she stood beside him putting on her gloves, her habit skirt caught up under her elbow, the old felt hat just a little askew on the soft, silky hair.

Sometimes I think the book was Youth, And the dead man that wrote it I, The face was Beauty, the name Truth And thus, with an unseeing eye, I pass the long-sought image by.

His eyes were on the door, but unseeing.

She passed beneath the rose red lights that hung from roof and door, And by unseeing gods, where curled an incense, blue and sweet; As one who walks in sleep she crossed the cool mosaic floor, That echoed to the music of her little sandalled feet.

Already she was looking down upon a pair of lovers, somewhere,a thousand pairs!with her bland unseeing face.

Yet Joe's eyes were unseeing.

All of them stared at nothing with awful, unseeing eyes.

When he stood up again, he kept the hat in his left hand, and, his cane tapping hard upon the soil, came through the gate, and passed me, unseeing.

She returned the letter to its envelope, and after looking up Gaston on the time-table fell into a heart-stirring reverie, with unseeing eyes fixed on the restful blackness of the night rushing rearward past the car windows.

He adjusted his unseeing eye-glass in this wise and lisped to the clerk, because it's "Hinglish, you know," to lisp: "Thir, thir, will you have the kindness to fuhnish me with thome papah and thome envelopehs!"

He adjusted his unseeing eye-glass and he yelled after that clerk: "Come back here thir, come right back here.

A few unseeing policemen, also sauntering carelessly, were to be observed.

Dreaming of fair faces that are gone, we will look with unseeing eyes into the fair faces that companion us still.

But through it all, apparently unseeing, unconscious, the man had gone about his business.

It seemed to her as though she was being tossed through space locked in his arms; infinite depths of shadow whirled and eddied around her; limitless reaches, vistas unfathomable stretched toward outer chaos into which they were hurled, unseeing, her arms around his neck, her soft face on his breast.

Since time was they had sat there, ensconced at the very root of life, seemingly placid and unseeing and unhearing, yet venomously watching to be placated with food.

And she strained her unseeing eyes intently for a moment, and then closed them, to let the way come into her mind.

Pantin was there before him, animated and throbbing in this greenish and dull mirror into which his unseeing eyes plunged.

Aroused and actuated by the appearance of this trinket, his thoughts rushed from Fontenay to Paris, to the curio shop where he had purchased it, then returned to the Museum, and he mentally beheld the ivory astrolabe, while his unseeing eyes continued to gaze upon the copper astrolabe on the table.

Obadiah's eyes were open, but unseeing; his face was blanched to the whiteness of paper; an almost imperceptible movement of his chest showed that he still breathed.

At last he looked up, and Jeekum's face was far above him, staring straight and unseeing into the darkness ahead.

73 examples of  unseeing  in sentences