79 examples of unsheathed in sentences

But now Sir Pertolepe, wriggling beneath Beltane's iron foot had unsheathed his dagger, yet, ere he could stab, down upon his red pate crashed the heavy pommel of Beltane's sword and Sir Pertolepe, sinking backward, lay out-stretched in the dust very silent and very still.

he panted, "run, masterI ha' just seen a goblinrun, master!" Now beholding the terror in Roger's eyes, Beltane unsheathed his sword.

Do on thy coif forthwith, for now will I strive to make an end of thee," and speaking, the knight unsheathed a long and ponderous sword.

This do I swear thee, that this steel shall go unsheathed until I meet thee in mortal combatand ere

" No time for anything but one last desperate onslaught at the point of the bayonet, Garibaldi in the foremost ranks with sword unsheathed, while Medici from Villa Savorelli renewed the wonders of the Vascello.

he asked, as Frank unsheathed a camp hatchet, and commenced to look around, as if in search of some particular kind of wood.

"For if the sword of anger is unsheathed, And war comes on, thy head will soon be freed From all the cares of government and life.

"The sword must be unsheathed, since Kai-káús Is bound a captive in the dragon's den, And Rakush must be saddled for the field, And thou must bear the weight of this emprize; For I have lived two centuries, and old age Unfits me for the heavy toils of war.

The Swede struck him with the flat of his sword; the Suliote unsheathed his ataghan, and nearly cut off the left arm of his antagonist, and then shot him through the head.

But in the north of Europe there was much to claim the attention of the new protector; for the king of Sweden, after a short peace, had again unsheathed the sword against his enemy, the king of Denmark.

A shout being raised on all sides, the Roman found himself surrounded before he could well see the enemy; and the attack on the front and flank had commenced ere his line could be well formed, his arms prepared for action, or his swords unsheathed.

In a trice the dacoits had them down, unsheathed, and, oh, bitter blow!

Near the stag there was a large sword, beautiful and bright, unsheathed; and when the Queen passed, the stag was made to take the sword in the right fore-foot, to hold it out straight, and to brandish it.

The Disinherited Knight sprung from his steed, and also unsheathed his sword.

In Janet's Repentance she says, Nemesis is lame, but she is of colossal stature, like the gods; and sometimes, while her sword is not yet unsheathed, she stretches out her huge left arm and grasps her victim.

This policy, however, was far removed from the spirit of the early Maccabean leaders who had unsheathed the sword in behalf of their principles.

The accession of Aristobulus marks a triumph of that Hellenism against which Judas and Simon had unsheathed the sword.

Eyes dilated with fear, every hair on end, sputtering and spitting, she had unsheathed her tiny claws and was prepared to make a brave fight for her life.

And, O Bharata, pacing thus to and fro, he found a handsome sword lying near the shed, unsheathed.

This precious weapon the Suyud had the enviable office of presenting to his chief unsheathed, whilst the aged Moollah who stood by read aloud the inlaid Arabic inscription on the blade, "May this always prove as true a friend to thee as it has been to the donor."

Peace could only be won by the unsheathed sword.

Incontinently entered the monk, having in his sleeve a knife unsheathed.

Don't you think so, sir?" His uncle laid down the paper and fixed the young man with the gray, unsheathed keenness that had sent so many witnesses grovelling to the naked truth.

Quickly he moved across the wilderness playground, now crimson with blood, unsheathed his knife, and dropped upon his knees close to the throat of the slain animal.

Upon his knees lay his victorious sword unsheathed.

79 examples of  unsheathed  in sentences