13 examples of unteachable in sentences

The true life of prayer is as simple, as unteachable, and as vital as the life of a child with its motherthe little lips daily learning new ways of approach to its mother's heart, and new words to make its wants and interests and sorrows known.

To spend money upon the teaching of these children along lines where they are unteachable is not only waste pure and simple, but crime, for it deprives the educables of their just due.

blockish^, unteachable Boeotian, Boeotic; bovine; ungifted, undiscerning^, unenlightened, unwise, unphilosophical^; apish; simious^. foolish, silly, senseless, irrational, insensate, nonsensical, inept; maudlin. narrow-minded &c 481; bigoted &c (obstinate) 606; giddy &c (thoughtless) 458; rash &c 863; eccentric &c (crazed) 503.

inapt, unapt; inhabile [Fr.]; untractable^, unteachable; giddy &c (inattentive) 458; inconsiderate &c (neglectful) 460; stupid &c 499; inactive &c 683; incompetent; unqualified, disqualified, ill-qualified; unfit; quackish; raw, green, inexperienced, rusty, out of practice.

"It is objected,they are so ignorant and unteachable, they cannot be brought to any knowledge in these matters.

But that they are so stupid and unteachable, as that they cannot be brought to any competent knowledge in these matters, is false, and contrary to fact and experience.

Many of them have learned trades and manufactures, which they perform well, and with sufficient ingenuity:whence it is plain they are not unteachable; do not want natural parts and capacities.

If I mistake not, Percival was invited to inspect these productions of untaught and perhaps unteachable genius.

Youth and necessity will carry this against selfishness, against the unimaginative, against the unteachable, the suspicious, the "old fool.

It wasn't so much that men were agreed upon these thingsabout these things there have always been enormous divergences of opinionas that men were emphatic, cocksure, and unteachable about whatever they did happen to believe to a degree that no longer obtains.

But nature lifts her easily, and without knowing it, over these impossibilities, and we are continually surprised with graces and felicities not only unteachable, but undescribable.

He answered that I was as yet unteachable, being puffed up with the novelty of that heresy.

It was said that the blood of a Stuart king ran in his veins; and, indeed, there seemed to be about the tall, thin, melancholy man something of the bad luck, as well as the hopeless wrong-headedness, of that unteachable House.

13 examples of  unteachable  in sentences