61 examples of unvarnished in sentences

they listened to Windy Jim, disbelieving the only unvarnished tale that gentleman had ever told.

I like plain dishes and unvarnished stories.

THE ELUSIVE VOTE AN UNVARNISHED TALE OF SEPTEMBER 21st, 1911 John Thomas Green did not look like a man on whom great issues might turn.

" She flushed prettily; she, Gloria Gaynor, flushed up because Mark King said in blunt, unvarnished fashion: "I like you very much."

"A plain, unvarnished tale.

Perhaps you’ve heard him lecture, and blow about it strong; To hear him talk you’d think it was a heaven upon earth, But listen and I’ll tell you now the plain unvarnished truth.

In realismthat is, the representation of men exactly as they are, the expression of the plain, unvarnished truth without regard to ideals or romancethe tendency was at first thoroughly bad.

All this is cold, unvarnished history.

In this and in a hundred other little ways the change showed, ways difficult to define in detail, but all provingnot the coarsening effect of leading the primitive life, but, let us say, the more direct and unvarnished methods that became prevalent.

This, then, is a plain unvarnished narrativefirstly, of the steps that I took in the matter, in conjunction with a friend, who is by profession a solicitor; and, secondly, of the principal incidents which marked M. Zola's views on some matters of interest, as imparted by him to me at various times.

Unless some other courageous man had arisen to tear the veil away from before human life, such as it is in so-called civilised communities, and show society its own self in all its rottenness, foulness, and hypocrisyso that on more than one occasion, shrinking guiltily from its own image, it has denounced the plain unvarnished truth as libelthere would have been no 'Nana' and no 'Pot Bouille,' no 'Assommoir,' and no 'Germinal.'

unadorned, bare, unornamented, undecked^, ungarnished, unarranged^, untrimmed, unvarnished.

Let its plain, unvarnished tale be sent out, and the story of Slavery and its abominations, again be told by one who has felt in his own person its scorpion lash, and the weight of its grinding heel.

What is said in this will be plain, unvarnished, practical facts.

The following pages contain the simple and unvarnished story of an AMERICAN SLAVE,of one, whose situation, in the first place, as a favorite servant in an aristocratic family in Virginia; and afterwards as the sole and confidential driver on a large plantation in Alabama, afforded him rare and peculiar advantages for accurate observation of the practical workings of the system.

Virtue rising superior to every calamity, defeating by a plain unvarnished tale all the stratagems of Vice, and throwing back upon her adversary the confusion with which he had hoped to overwhelm her, was one of the favourite subjects of my youthful reveries.

In a style copious and yet forcible, with an expression singularly clear and happy, and in language exceedingly chaste and at times very beautiful, he has given us a plain, unvarnished narrative of facts, as he himself says, unclogged by individual reflections which would "only encumber rather than enforce."

Here the art of logic, aiming solely at conviction, addresses the understanding with cool deductions of unvarnished truth; rhetoric, designing to move, in some particular direction, both the judgement and the sympathies of men, applies itself to the affections in order to persuade; and poetry, various in its character and tendency, solicits the imagination, with a view to delight, and in general also to instruct.

She could state a truth in clear and forcible terms, but the language was unvarnished, sometimes harsh, while the manner of speaking was often embarrassed.

There never was a life which stood less in need of the embellishments of rhetoric, which could rest more confidently and securely upon its plain, unvarnished truth, than that of Count Cavour.

This story is not meant to be sensational, but a plain, unvarnished tale of truthsome parts hard and very sad.

The unvarnished and unbowspritted and unjib-boomed tale was pretty much as follows: Mr. Langenau had found himself in the middle of the river, when the storm came on.

She did not suppress one point, or endeavour in the least to excuse herself, and Lady Gertrude, as she listened to that unvarnished tale of youthful error, felt her heart glow more warmly towards her companion, and her eye glisten in sympathy for the pain she felt Caroline was inflicting on herself.

I make no comment on these terrible stories, my dear friend, and tell them to you as nearly as possible in the perfectly plain unvarnished manner in which they are told to me.

But too many plain, unvarnished truths had cropped up in the course of the last round of my Aunt's Flower Garden; and the ladies were out of humor.

61 examples of  unvarnished  in sentences