139 examples of unwind in sentences

Then he sighed and shrugged his shoulders, and began slowly to unwind a handkerchief which he had tied about his right hand, disclosing several cuts on his knuckles.

Nay, one God made and rules: He shall unwind The tangled skein; the hidden law disclose, Whereby so many sinned in thought and deed.

let him now unwind his magic spells, Or fall our vengeance on his guilty head.

Patience, Sirs, now methinks the sense returns; A smile steals o'er her lips, and roseate hues Make morning on her downy cheek again: Back ... backmy anguish shall unwind the charm!

" But a hooped skirt with a history, touching and teaching, is no theme for flippancy; so, by your leave, I will unwind my story tenderly, and with reverential regard for its smooth turns of sequence.

Inlays the broider'd weft with flowery dyes, 70 Quick beat the reeds, the pedals fall and rise; Slow from the beam the lengths of warp unwind, And dance and nod the massy weights behind.

Hence, by a chain of induction I need not unwind, he tends to conservatism generally.

In such cases he or they must wisely and warily unwind themselves, unsettle his affections by those rules above prescribed, quin stultos excutit ignes, divert his cogitations, or else bravely bear it out, as Turnus did, Tua sit Lavinia conjux, when he could not get her, with a kind of heroical scorn he bid Aeneas take her, or with a milder farewell, let her go.

Their ghostly fathers can so readily apply remedies, so cunningly string and unstring, wind and unwind their devotions, play upon their consciences with plausible speeches and terrible threats, for their best advantage settle and remove, erect with such facility and deject, let in and out, that I cannot perceive how any man amongst them should much or often labour of this disease, or finally miscarry.

You're the plague of the parish, and a good thrashing is what you will get, sure as my name's Jonathan Green!' Teddy's face was hot and red, and the spectacle of him trying to unwind the line from the struggling and exasperated farmer was so irresistibly comic to Nancy that she burst out laughing.

Doubtless it was a very satisfactory thing for a Roman poet, when the wind was quiet, to get an audience about him, under a portico, and unwind his well-written scroll for an hour or two; but there must have been a vast deal of secret machinery, and influence, and agitation, to keep up his name with the people.

I guess that's one reason why I haven't been away; I haven't had life enough to want to unwind red tape.

They then unwind the long rope that encircles the loins, and lash the body together in a sitting posture, the head being bent over the knees.

While empiric politicians use deceit, Hide what they give, and cure but by a cheat; You boldly show that skill which they pretend, And work by means as noble as your end: 70 Which should you veil, we might unwind the clew, As men do nature, till we came to you.

"As soon as you go into the Labyrinth where the monster is kept, fasten one end of the thread to the stone doorpost, and then unwind it as you go along.

Having done so, he thrust the stirrups upon his feet and commenced to unwind his puggri.

Wishing to unwind it, that I might examine its entire length, I placed it in a large china basin filled with water, and proceeded very gently to disentangle its coils, when I perceived that the animal had twisted itself around a bundle of its eggs, holding them fast in a close embrace.

We take, we unwind the jewels, the blue flowers are woven over the yellow ones, that we may give them to the children.

5. chalchiuhuitl, the jade; cozcatl, a jewel; mecatl, a string; totoma, frequentative of toma, to unfold, unwind.

"I unwind my song like a string of precious jewels.

The woman who had brought up the procession, found a place in the far corner, and began to unwind the comforter around her neck.

By the dim light of the binnacle I could just see the coil of rope unwind as it left his hand; but I could not see where it fell; I knew that there would be no time for another throw; and it seemed to me that my heart did not beat again until I heard from the bow of the sloop a cheery shout of "All right!

George turned the boat's head toward this place, and, thrusting his hand into his pocket, drew out a "trolling-line," and, dropping the hook into the water behind the boat, began to unwind the line.

In short, the object is merely the loose end of the psychic ball of twine which the psychometrist proceeds to wind or unwind at will.

Past-time clairvoyance is frequently induced by means of psychometry, in which the clairvoyant is able to have "the loose end" to unwind the ball of time.

139 examples of  unwind  in sentences