632 examples of upholds in sentences

It is only a woman's heart that upholds one in such trials as this search means.

She had not even that, by no means repellent, secondary egoism which upholds us in doing ungrateful things that abstract good may follow.

Of this I shall speak later, giving the fullest details at my command, for there is no page in the story of British arms which better upholds the honour and chivalry of the soldier than the preservation of the Holy Place from the clash of battle.

Her son will rot before he upholds it, and ye can put that in the charge-sheet in the next coort-martial.

He isn't the only Australian by a long shot who upholds Australia by fist and boast and astounding gallantry, yet stays away from home.

The poem upholds the ideals of personal manliness, bravery, loyalty, devotion to duty.

The houses cling to the sides and cluster on the summits of precipitous crags, and every shelf of soil, every crevice where a tree can thrust its roots, upholds a mass of brilliant vegetation.

On the one hand, the alliance upholds the doctrine of an European police; this country, on the other hand, as appears from the memorandum already quoted, protests against that doctrine.

Morse upholds righteousness of the war.

Morse upholds righteousness of the war.

He strongly upholds the justice of that war and pleads with his parents and brothers to take his view of the matter.

"His brother Richard upholds Lincoln.

There isn't a respectable author who upholds the doctrine of modern miracles.

He upholds emancipation,condemns its foes; his earnest eloquence carries all.

'Tis rebellion Against the system which upholds the world For which they die: so, lest the infection spread, We must cut off the members, whose disease We'd pardon, could they keep it to themselves.

He justifies the expulsion of the Indian tribes by Scripture texts, and gathers eggs in the hay-mow with Dolly; upholds the doctrines of his denomination and would seal his faith with his blood, but admits that "the Thirty-nine articles (with some few exceptions) are a very excellent statement of truth."

It does not matter what theory of personality we adopt, in a philosophical sense, if that theory upholds personal confidence and force of will.

Production already exceeds demand, the cry for a "wider market" and for "raw materials free" is in every manufacturer's mouth; and if America upholds her protective legislation too long, the produce of her factories and mills will, by and by, force its way, in spite of the tariff, into the open markets of the world, but it will be through the gate of national suffering.

He does not even undervalue ithe rather upholds and magnifies its importance, as the agent or means by which his greatest and best discoveries can be made to subserve their greatest and most beneficent end.

Tradition, too, upholds thisthough the dates given do not coincide.

Elise upholds his dignity and flatters him into a belief that he is a great philanthropist and a social power, and in this way she has the handling of his millions, which is her idea of happiness.

Any who have had personal and intimate experience of how schools work with it and without it, know what a Palladium it is of happiness and morality; how it prevents bullying, upholds manliness, is the bulwark of discipline, and makes boys more earnest and thoughtful, often at the most critical period of their lives, by enlisting all their sympathies and interests on the side of the honorable and the just.

Day and night, The King of Serpents on his thousand heads Upholds the incumbent earth; and even so, Unceasing toil is aye the lot of kings, Who, in return, draw nurture from their subjects.

After commenting on the delicate task of finding out what a savage religion really is, he writes: 'The belief in one great Supreme Being, who made and upholds all things, is universal.'

My two friends also were in their way types,the cowled Franciscan, aloof in a mediaeval seclusion though he breathed nineteenth-century air, and the dancer whom I encountered in the vale, above which the Watzmann upholds forever its solemn mitre.

632 examples of  upholds  in sentences