220 examples of uprooted in sentences

We saw trees uprooted, others lose their limbs, and naval gunfire threatened the foundations of the old chief's burying place.

The enemy's trenches were knocked to pieces; uprooted trees, planks, sandbags and dead bodies lay about in confusion.

When I went to the forest I found the tree newly uprooted, and the arrows lying beside it, and I feared I should never see you again.

The people of Cydonea and Lampea he set free, because they had rendered him some assistance, and he helped the Lampeans found anew their city, from which they had been uprooted.

to Rustem's wildered sight, Prostrate he falls"By my unnatural hand, My son, my son is slainand from the land Uprooted.

More than that, you are loosening the tendrils that hold you to the institution, and the first high wind that happens along, you will be uprooted and blown away in the blizzard's trackand probably you will never know why.

The choice lay between their security and his future dominion, and he uprooted their dwellings as ruthlessly as any conqueror sets aside the obstacles in his path.

" At the end of his life idolatry was uprooted from his native country.

These calculations proved to be wrong, for truth modestly and laboriously discovered, though known only to five or six, cannot be uprooted; it will spring from the earth with irresistible force.

When the St. Barbara had nearly reached Komorn it struck an uprooted tree, lying in ambush under water, and immediately began to sink.

Then he drew his sword, and, cutting a deep wound in the breast of both, he went to the horsemen and said, "The deed is done; I have given each his death-stroke; but it was a tough job, for in their defence they uprooted trees to protect themselves with; still, all that is of no use when such an one as I come, who slew seven at one stroke.

The knights could hardly believe him, till, riding into the forest, they found the Giants lying dead, and the uprooted trees around them.

Our philosophy, our catechisms, and our rules have not uprooted the convictions and thought methods of centuries.

The bushes and tufts of trees which hid the view of the hills in the distance, have been uprooted and cut down; pretty paths, covered with gravel, wind over the vast lawn; one in the direction of the valleys at the right, another towards the mountains at the left; a third leads to a tall mimosa, whose topmost boughs and dense foliage spread out like a parasol.

A prey to terrors which he could not explain, he feared darkness, he trembled at the slightest sound of the wind among the branches; if it blew violently, he thought the trees would be uprooted and crush him; if the sea roared, he trembled at the idea of the submersion of his entire island.

Of course if the Upas tree could be uprooted and banished from our midst,if with a wave of his magic wand some sorcerer could make it disappear, so much the better.

" They were in a gay mood as they gathered up their baskets and trowels and gently laid pieces of newspaper over the uprooted plants.

Jewish life and religion were at times almost uprooted, but never fundamentally transformed by the Babylonian and Persian conquerors.

Great and small had been uprooted or wrenched off by sheer force, making a clean gap, like that made by a snow avalanche.

I heard trees falling for hours at the rate of one every two or three minutes: some uprooted, partly on account of the loose, water-soaked condition of the ground; others broken straight across, where some weakness caused by fire had determined the spot.

What lies nearest my heart is not that I am plundered of my estates, and my house uprooted, but it is that my beautiful Rome, the city of my fathers, is a prisoner under the heel of the tyrant.

His eyes searched the ground in front of him for a weapon, but they saw only the uprooted gold, worthless to him now in his extremity.

"When the forty days were completed, such a terrible storm arose at midnight, that the very strongest buildings fell down, and trees were uprooted and scattered in all directions; an army of fairies appeared.

The old bushes were well trimmed, but as yet nothing live, except weeds, had been uprooted.

A clear, serene day is followed by the darkest night; the delightful view offered by woods and prairies is diverted into the deary waste of a cruel winter; the tallest and most robust cedar trees are uprooted, broken off bodily, and hurled into a heap; roofs, balconies, and windows of houses are carried through the air like dry leaves, and in all directions are seen houses and estates laid waste and thrown into confusion.

220 examples of  uprooted  in sentences