379 examples of upside in sentences

Pick the stalks from the cherries, put them, with the sugar, into a deep pie-dish just capable of holding them, with a small cup placed upside down in the midst of them.

Put the damsons, with the sugar between them, into a deep pie-dish, in the midst of which, place a small cup or jar turned upside down; pile the fruit high in the middle, line the edges of the dish with short or puff crust, whichever may be preferred; put on the cover, ornament the edges, and bake from 1/2 to 3/4 hour in a good oven.

Line the edges of a deep tart-dish with crust made by recipe No. 1211; fill the dish with plums, and place a small cup or jar, upside down, in the midst of them.

Then well grease a mould (moulds are made purposely for rice borders), and turn it upside down for a minute or two, to drain away the fat, should there be too much; put some rice all round the bottom and sides of it; place a piece of soft bread in the middle, and cover it with rice; press it in equally with the spoon, and let it cool.

He saw his shield, with device effaced, turned upside down and trailed in the mud.

A drunken private may damn a captain upside down and wrong-side out, and the captain is not allowed to reply.

The Russian press thus turns conditions upside down.

trastornar, to turn upside down, overturn, overthrow, confuse. tratar, to treat, deal, try; de, to treat as, consider; refl., to treat, be a question (or matter), be concerned.

In this way a map is a picture, or, better, a bare outline sketch; and, as we can make out a picture, though it be upside down, or crooked on the wall, so we call use a map that is upside down or not parallel to the real ground forms.

In this way a map is a picture, or, better, a bare outline sketch; and, as we can make out a picture, though it be upside down, or crooked on the wall, so we call use a map that is upside down or not parallel to the real ground forms.

Look to it that you do not reverse on the map the positions of the two objects or features, or your map will be exactly upside down.

" "Has the engagement been formally announced?" said he, holding the now empty bottle upside down, and squeezing it vigorously.

Why?" "Because," replied the lawyer, setting his glass upside down, and rolling the empty bottle along the floor, with a dejected air, "because it may affect this marriage of yours.

The advantage of this is that when the bird lets down its head into the water, like a bucket into a well, the point of the bill does not stick in the mud, but lies flat on it, upside down.

If Roberta March turns things upside down there, it'll be because she can't keep her hands out of mischief, and that proves that she belongs to her own family.

He set the flask, glowing cherry red, upside down in a flat pan of sand.

"It's a space penwrites upside down or in zero gravity.

They'd turn everythin' upside down on this place.

Your theory is, that the destinies of the nation are to be hanged on these monstrous gibbets, and you wonder whether the laws of gravitation will be complaisant enough to turn upside down for the accommodation of the hangman, whoever he may be.

These they hoisted upside down on their ramparts, and high above them raised a new flag which Congress had adopted in June, and which was then for the first time flung to the breeze.

The cliff overhangs rather just there, and when he got over the edge, not being a fly or used to walking upside down, he missed his footing.

A flash of yelping lightning caught the tail of Jay's eye, and she looked round to see her dignified dog, upside down, skid violently down a steep place into the gutter, and there disappear beneath the skirt of a female stranger who was poised upon the kerb.

She lived in a boat turned upside down, with a small window in the bottom of it, and a hole in the side for a door.

That we found in Blackmore's chambers a framed inscription of large size, hung upside down, together with what appeared to be the remains of a watch-glass and a box of stearine candles and some other objects.

By him I was informed that Jeffrey was a learned Orientalist, with a quite expert knowledge of the cuneiform writing; and even as he was telling me this, I looked over his shoulder and saw a cuneiform inscription hanging on the wall upside down.

379 examples of  upside  in sentences