35 examples of upside-down in sentences

" As dusk draws on, the young fellow, returning from a long walk, espies an aged Irish lady leaning against a tree on the edge of the turnpike, with a pipe upside-down in her mouth, and her bonnet on wrong-side-afore.

We have had the government pretty much upside-down, too, this morning, but this question has escaped me.

But it is sure that the world is now upside-down.

The big battle-plane, soaring fully two thousand feet above the earth, suddenly turned almost upside-down, so that its nose pointed at an angle close to forty-five degrees.

We go forward because of the compass; but part of the time I do believe, just as you say, Tom, we've been flying upside-down!"

This fool will turn the whole art of astronomy upside-down, but the Scripture sheweth and teacheth him another lesson, when Joshua commanded the sun to stand still, and not the earth.

Tom, peering anxiously into the obscure, could make out nothing but a policeman, a foot-guardsman with a clothes-basket, and a drunken slattern carrying her baby upside-down.

"You're looking at it upside-down.

White dresses were put on for the funeral; a cricket was turned upside-down to serve as the coffin; my mother's flower-pots furnished the green leaves for decoration; and I delivered the funeral oration in praise of the little sufferer, while placing her in the tomb improvised of chairs.

"[Printed upside-down: Pilot] fully qualified, wishes to obtain appointment, with Flying School or Aircraft Firm.

This time we are to have Monday, too, as a special holiday, because of a great Whig convention which is turning the city upside-down.

Mark quickly threw the table upside-down to his left, reached with both hands for the pirate's right arm, and pulled the man quickly down and toward himself.

"O Mr. Markham, will you ever forgive me for being so stupid last summer," she said at last, "about that upside-down painting?

Hence such terms as everywhere, anywhere, nowadays, forever, everso, to-day, to-morrow, by-and-by, inside-out, upside-down, if they are to be parsed simply as adverbs, ought to be compounded, and not written as phrases.

It was certain now that these things were dreamsthat it was ludicrously absurd to imagine that a man could profitably detach himself from Revelation and the stream of tradition and development that flowed from it; that it was ridiculous to turn creation upside-down and to attempt to govern the educated few by the uneducated many.

As he crossed the room, the loose head showed upside-down over his back, bobbing and flabbily wagging its grin-split face.

[The PIPER regards them all with debonair satisfaction; then reverses his head-piece and holds it out upside-down, with a confident smile.

"Fo freedom they would turn a wash pot upside-down at the door and have singin' and prayer meetin'.

The Salinas; upside-down river.

The Salinas; upside-down river.

We have rifled the world, and tumbled it upside-down, and run our fingers through all its treasures, yet have not come upon the charter of our birth.

There is no Question but these young Machiavil's will, in a little time, turn their College upside-down with Plots and Stratagems, and lay as many Schemes to Circumvent one another in a Frog or a Sallad, as they may hereafter put in Practice to over-reach a Neighbouring Prince or State.

At other times it operates with furious energy, turning things upside-down overnight.

Temperance had turned the plates upside-down around the table, and placed in a straight line through the middle a row of edibles.

I was half asleep, and knew nothing till I found ourselves all crushed up together in the dark, upside-down, my feet above my head.

35 examples of  upside-down  in sentences