9383 examples of uttered in sentences

I must fight them as best I can;" adding that lofty, yet resigned and humble prayer, which he uttered when the battle was announced to be inevitable, and which has since become a proverb, "God defend the right.

And the general impression from such an inquest would be, that Pope never delineated a character, nor uttered a sentiment, nor breathed an aspiration, which he would not willingly have recast, have retracted, have abjured or trampled underfoot with the curses assigned to heresy, if by such an act he could have added a hue of brilliancy to his colouring or a new depth to his shadows.

Nothing that ever he uttered, were it even a prayer to God, but he had a fancy for reading it backwards.

A bird uttered its morning cry, and a string of duck passed with whirring flight overhead in the twilight.

The Swede uttered a sharp cry.

My friend John G. Whittier, who was present at the time, states that the most dreadful threats were uttered by the rioters against the prominent abolitionists.

The Lord God gave him a tongue to speak with, but, dear heaven, he sat there like a clod and never uttered a syllable.

The prisoner uttered a defiant laugh and again started for the window.

Suddenly Helen Brabazon started to her feet; she uttered a loud and terrible cryand at that same moment Blanche saw the more living and sinister of the two apparitions also become disintegrated, and quickly dissolve into nothingness.

" Sir Lyon uttered an exclamation of extreme astonishment.

" Mark Gifford uttered the dread words very quietly.

"As comprehending the terms uttered by the artist, the mechanic, and the husbandman."Chazotte cor.

Ellipsis occurs only where something, not uttered, is implied; and where a preposition is thus wanting, the noun is, of course, its object; and therefore not independent.

Nor does you stand for children as spoken of by Ingersoll; but for children of the second person, uttered or implied in the address of his messenger: as, "Children, you must come in.

At the instant when the blow was given, a dismal universal groan was uttered by the people (as if by one consent) such as was never before heard; and as soon as the execution was over, one troop of horse marched rapidly from Charing Cross to King Street, and another from King Street to Charing Cross, to disperse and scatter the multitude.

Out beyond the wood, on the hillside, in the communication- trenches and other trenches, we were enabled to comprehend the true significance of that phrase uttered so carelessly by newspaper- readersNotre Dame de Lorette.

You had better take it for granted that I did make such a promise, though probably no such promise was absolutely uttered.

And there was no word uttered by the man she claimed as her husband which she did not believe as though it were gospel.

They had been in the foreground of his mind continually, but never uttered before.

" "I have heard your tributes to women" "I have uttered no tributes to women, David!"

Deep realities were often uttered thus, sentences which bore the signet of her strong understanding, for they passed through the stimulated faculties of the artist, engrossed in her particular expression.

She ascended to the capitol; the assembled Roman poets recited her praises; Prince Castel Forte, the most honoured of Roman noblemen, uttered a eulogy of her; and, ere she received the destined bays, she took up her lyre and in accordance with custom gave a poetic improvisation.

So that as Trim uttered the words, "a rood and a half of ground, to do what they would with," this identical bowling-green instantly presented itself upon the retina of my Uncle Toby's fancy.

Sam, the foremost, catching sight of her, contrived to have his hat blown off, and uttered a loud and characteristic ejaculation.

" And having uttered these words, Varvara Pavlovna suddenly rushed into the other room, and immediately returned with a very tastefully-dressed little girl in her arms.

9383 examples of  uttered  in sentences