22 examples of valdés in sentences

R98847. SEE Palacio Valdés, Armando. HINKLE, THOMAS CLARK.

<pb id='180.png' /> PALACIO VALDÉS, ARMANDO.

R102290, 23Oct52, Horace Annesley Vachell (A) VALDÉS, ARMANDO PALACIO SEE Palacio Valdés, Armando.

R102290, 23Oct52, Horace Annesley Vachell (A) VALDÉS, ARMANDO PALACIO SEE Palacio Valdés, Armando.

SEE Palacio Valdés, Armando.

R119503, 23Oct53, John Garber Palache (A) PALACIO VALDÉS, ARMANDO. Short stories, edited by Albert Shapiro and Frederick J. Hurley.

Short stories of Armando Palacio Valdés.

SEE Palacio Valdés, Armando.

R98847. SEE Palacio Valdés, Armando. HINKLE, THOMAS CLARK.

<pb id='180.png' /> PALACIO VALDÉS, ARMANDO.

R102290, 23Oct52, Horace Annesley Vachell (A) VALDÉS, ARMANDO PALACIO SEE Palacio Valdés, Armando.

R102290, 23Oct52, Horace Annesley Vachell (A) VALDÉS, ARMANDO PALACIO SEE Palacio Valdés, Armando.

SEE Palacio Valdés, Armando.

R119503, 23Oct53, John Garber Palache (A) PALACIO VALDÉS, ARMANDO. Short stories, edited by Albert Shapiro and Frederick J. Hurley.

Short stories of Armando Palacio Valdés.

SEE Palacio Valdés, Armando.

The first months of his life were passed in a foundling asylum; indeed, his real name, Gabriel de la Concepcion Valdés, was in honor of its founder.

I do not mean that Vincent Blasco Ibañez is greater than Perez Galdós, or Armando Palacio Valdés or even the Countess Pardo-Bazan; but he belongs to their realistic order of imagination, and he is easily the first of living European novelists outside of Spain, with the advantage of superior youth, freshness of invention and force of characterization.

There is little of the humor which relieves the pathos of Valdés in the equal fidelity of his Marta y Maria or the unsurpassable tragedy of Galdós in his Doña Perfecta.

The book has moments of the pathos so rich in the work of Galdós and Valdés, and especially of Emilia Pardo-Bazan in her Morriña or Home Sickness, the story of a peasant girl in Barcelona, but the grief of the Argentine family for the death of the son and brother in battle with the Germans, has the appeal of anguish beyond any moment in La Catedral.

The author shares this hate or slight of ecclesiasticism with all the Spanish novelists, so far as I know them; most notably with Perez Galdós in Doña Perfecta and Lean Rich, with Pardo-Bazan in several of her stories, with Palacio Valdés in the less measure of Marta y Maria, and La Hermana de San Sulpicio and even with the romanticist Valera in Pepita Jimenez.

Benito Valdés Davao 4th Dist.

22 examples of  valdés  in sentences