6 examples of valerio in sentences

Le Sage in the romance of Gil Blas has painted this horrible catastrophe of Ninon de l'Enclos in the characters of the old woman Inisilla de Cantarilla, and the youth Don Valerio de Luna.

Whence came to Penitente this aversion to study, when he had been one of the most diligent in the famous college conducted by Padre Valerio in Tanawan?

The writer was Valerio Belli, who describes himself as a cornelian-cutter.

EVAN'THE (3 syl.), sister of Sora'no, the wicked instrument of Frederick, duke of Naples, and the chaste wife of Valerio.

cum Lorenzo da Pavia et qualche altro che habbi judicio et designo, et vedere se l'è cosa excellente, et trovando de operiati il megio del m'co m. Carlo Valerio, nostro compatre charissimo, et de chi altro vi parerà per apostar questa pictura per noi, intendendo il precio et dandone aviso.

His uncle directly carried the child to the house of Sebastiano, father of the gentilissìmo Valerio and of Francesco Zuccati (distinguished masters of the art of mosaic, by them brought to that perfection in which we now see the best pictures) to learn the principles of the art.

6 examples of  valerio  in sentences