258 examples of valerius in sentences

Particularly Livy, Dionysius of Halicarnassus, Pliny, and Valerius Maximus.

Duration of time the remainder of the consulships of Caesar (3rd) and M. Valerius Corvinus Messala, together with two additional years, in which there were the following magistrates here enumerated: Caesar (IV), M. Licinius M.F. Crassus.

Among the others who offered sacrifice, as has been mentioned, when he entered the City, was the consul Valerius Potitus.

The Spy had to sustain a comparison with Scott's Antiquary, published simultaneously with it, and with Lockhart's Valerius, which seems to me one of the most remarkable works of fiction ever composed.

And Cicero, whom we alleged before, (As saith Valerius), stepping into old age, Despised learning, loathed eloquence.

C. Valerius Procillus, as he was being dragged by his guards in the flight, bound with a triple chain, fell into the hands of Caesar himself, as he was pursuing the enemy with his cavalry.

The issue was not for a moment doubtful; the Roman fleet, well built and manned, and admirably handled by the able praetor Publius Valerius Falto (for a wound received before Drepana still confined the consul Catulus to his bed), defeated at the first blow the heavily laden and poorly and inadequately manned vessels of the enemy; fifty were sunk, and with seventy prizes the victors sailed into the port of Lilybaeum.

Q. Metellus, in whom Valerius gives instance of all happiness, "the most fortunate man then living, born in that most flourishing city of Rome, of noble parentage, a proper man of person, well qualified, healthful, rich, honourable, a senator, a consul, happy in his wife, happy in his children," &c. yet this man was not void of melancholy, he had his share of sorrow.

His gross and unheard-of insults to Valerius Asiaticus and Cassius Chaereas brought on him condign vengeance.

M. Valerius M. F. Messala, M. Aurelius M. F. Cotta.

The consuls were directed so to raise legions for the service of the city, as not to enlist any one who had served in the armies of Marcus Claudius, Marcus Valerius, or Quintus Fulvius, so that the Roman legions might not exceed twenty-one that year. 29.

I should have stated the number of scorpions captured, both of the greater and smaller size, at sixty, if I had followed the Greek author, Silenus, if Valerius Antius, of the larger at six thousand, of the smaller at thirteen, so great is the extent of falsehood.

Valerius Antius says, that Arines commanded the Punic garrison, and was given up to the Romans; other writers say it was Mago.

For we are not sending to Hannibal to desire him to retire from before Saguntum; to whom the senate formerly sent Publius Valerius Flaccus and Quintus Baebius Tampilus; who, if Hannibal did not comply, were ordered to proceed to Carthage.

The senate entrusted the defence of the republic to Caius Marius and Lucius Valerius, the consuls; Lucius Saturninus, a tribune of the people, and Caius Glaucia the praetor, were slain.

War was to be waged against Aristonicus in the consulship of Publius Licunius and Lucius Valerius.

I commenced "Valerius, a Roman Story."

Finished "Valerius."

The only defect in the plot, which occurs to me, is, that Valerius, after his escape with Athanasia from Ostium, should have been landed safely in Britain, and thus completed the happiness of a disconsolate and affectionate mother, whom he left there, and who is never afterwards mentioned. 23d.

From the mention which is made of it in "Valerius," I this day read the Gospel of Luke, and truly am surprised to find it so very important a part of the New Testament.

When Jason, in Valerius Flaccus, would incline the young prince Acastus to accompany him in the first essay of navigation, he disperses his apprehensions of danger by representations of the new tracts of earth and heaven, which the expedition would spread before their eyes; and tells him with what grief he will hear, at their return, of the countries which they shall have seen, and

"Whoever now should place the accent on the first syllable of Valerius, would set every body a-laughing.

"] "Maria rejected Valerius, who was he that she had rejected before.

"Maria rejected Valerius, whom she had rejected before."

Or: "Maria rejected Valerius a second time.

258 examples of  valerius  in sentences