29 examples of validating in sentences

The intellectualist accounts of truth have all failed to make this vital distinction between 'truth-claim' and validated truth.

In other words, however much a 'truth' has been validated, it is always possible to test it further.

If the judgment 'There is a green carpet in my hall' is taken to mean 'If I enter my hall, I shall see a green carpet,' perception tests whether the judgment 'corresponds' with the reality perceived, and so goes to validate or disprove the claim.

If all errors are felt to be true by those they deceive, is it not clear that immediate feeling is not a good enough test of a validated truth?

He starts with no preconceptions as to what truth must mean, whether it exists or not; he is content to watch how de facto claims to truth get themselves validated in experience.

If these consequences are satisfactory, if they promote the purpose in hand, instead of thwarting it, and thus have a valuable effect upon life, then the truth-claim maintains its 'truth,' and is so far validated.

Validating acts.

/> R582146. United States Military Academy regular and validating examination in English.

United States Military Academy regular and validating examination in mathematics.

United States Military Academy regular and validating examination in English.

United States Military Academy regular and validating examination in mathematics.

United States Military Academy regular and validating examination in Mathematics.

United States Military Academy regular and validating examination in English.

United States Military Academy regular and validating examination in mathematics.

United States Military Academy regular and validating examination in English.

Validating acts.

/> R582146. United States Military Academy regular and validating examination in English.

United States Military Academy regular and validating examination in mathematics.

United States Military Academy regular and validating examination in English.

United States Military Academy regular and validating examination in mathematics.

United States Military Academy regular and validating examination in Mathematics.

United States Military Academy regular and validating examination in English.

United States Military Academy regular and validating examination in mathematics.

United States Military Academy regular and validating examination in English.

Bills were immediately afterwards passed by the Irish one embodying the Declaration of Rights, also a biennial Mutiny Act, and an Act validating the marriage of Dissenters, while, above all, Poynings' Act, which had so long fettered its free action, was once for all repealed.

29 examples of  validating  in sentences