133 examples of valuable for in sentences

But the men who have gone through our training here are valuable, both for attack and defenceabove all, let me repeat it, they are valuable for protection.

Mrs. Wesley has committed all these matters to writing, and her own words are valuable for their wisdom.

They do indeed appear to have such a love of truth (as if, like virtue, it were valuable for itself) that all truth becomes equally valuable, whether the proposition that contains it be new or old, disputed, or such as is impossible to become a subject of disputation.

The marbles of ancient Greece were very valuable for the labor expended on them, either for architecture or for ornament.

Up to the Questionist time the undergraduate Scholars had no mixture whatever; they were the only pure table in the Hall: and I looked on this as a matter very valuable for the ultimate state of the College society.

The Kennel Club has classed the Great Dane amongst the Non-Sporting dogs, probably because with us he cannot find a quarry worthy of his mettle; but, for all that, he has the instincts and qualifications of a sporting dog, and he has proved himself particularly valuable for hunting big game in hot climates, which he stands very well.

They bought children, and understood how to mutilate and deform them, thus making them valuable for exhibition at fairs.

This is found to be the most nutritious food that can be used for cattle and horses, and very valuable for milch cows.

I have neither the knowledge nor the experience to attempt it, and your child's life is too valuable for a student to practice upon.

This land is not valuable for agriculture, and will contribute more to the general welfare under forest than in any other way.

If the practical lessons they inculcate are no less sound and useful, it is surely no diminution of their merit that they are conveyed by example instead of precept: nor, if their remarks are neither less wise nor less important, are they the less valuable for being represented as thrown out in the course of conversations suggested by the circumstances of the speakers, and perfectly in character.

The Statesman's Year Book, published by Macmillan & Co., New York, every year, is exceedingly valuable for reference.

Not a word in the General Regulations suggests that any weight is to be attached to this; and while over two pages are filled with details of the methods of religious instruction, history, which is especially valuable for the development of patriotic sentiments, is dismissed in ten lines.

This part of the dialogue, as it might tend to animate or exasperate Samson, cannot, I think, be censured as wholly superfluous; but the succeeding dispute, in which Samson contends to die, and which his father breaks off, that he may go to solicit his release, is only valuable for its own beauties, and has no tendency to introduce any thing that follows it.

His pictures are therefore valuable for their portraits and their illustration of Florentine life.

These careful studies are as valuable for the botanist as for the artist.

Angelo Bronzino, the pupil of Pontormo, is chiefly valuable for his portraits.

It is always a stately and elegant tree and very valuable for its timber.

Cow manure is especially valuable for Tea Roses.

Such material has been found especially valuable for use with those who were wavering as to the merits of the cause.

Other general works are Mulford's The Nation: the Foundation of Civil Order and Political Life in the United States; Laboulaye's Histoire Politique des Etats-Unis, 3 vols.; and Lamphere's The United States Government: Its Organization and Practical Workings, this last being chiefly valuable for its statistical and tabulated information.

A few spoonfuls of cooked oatmeal or cracked wheat, added and rubbed through the colander with the other material, is valuable for the same purpose.

If the facts given here are the facts that the great majority are in search of when they refer to its pages, it may be claimed for "The Nuttall Encyclopædia" that, in one respect at all events it is more valuable for instant reference than the best Encyclopædia in many volumes; for "The Nuttall" can lie on the desk for ready-to-hand reference, and yields at a glance the information wanted.

ALFA, an esparto grass valuable for making paper.

You have no right to presume that it will be rendered any the more valuable for that addition; and you ought not to conclude beforehand that your gift will be accepted.

133 examples of  valuable for  in sentences