648 examples of varie in sentences

"Era come un liquor suttile e molle, Atto a esalar, se non si tien ben chiuso; E si vedea raccolto in varie ampolle, Qual più, qual men capace, atte a quell' uso."

It varies in height from 400 to 600 feet, in width from 100 to 300 yards, its channel never exceeds 20 feet in depth, Ergimo explained that the length had been thought to render a tunnel unsuitable, as the ordinary method of ventilation could hardly have been made to work, and to ventilate such a tunnel through shafts sunk to so great a depth would have been almost as costly as the method actually adopted.

His Lordship inquired, "What do you mean by grace?" "The primary and fundamental meaning of the word," replied the doctor, somewhat surprised at his ignorance (I quote his own language), "is favour; though it varies according to the context to express that disposition of God which leads Him to grant a favour, the action of doing so, or the favour itself, or its effects on those who receive it."

But it varies so.

Or shall we varie our device at will, Even as new occasion appeares?

so small thing his happines may varie.

And, indeede, for your selfe to, it sitteth with you now to call your wits & senses togither (which are alwaies at call) when occasion is so fairely offered of estimation and preferment, For whiles the yron is hote it is good striking, and minds of nobles varie, as their estates.

I dare warrant, they be precisely perfect for the feete, (as you can easily iudge,) and varie not one inch from the rule.

The one I generally use is that of MoliniPoesie Varie di Lodovico Ariosto, con Annotazioni.

Haec quaestio multos per annos varie, ac mirabiliter impugnata, &c. 1006.

Varie aduritur, et miscetur, unde variae amentium species, Melanct. 1071.

Varie aduritur et miscetur ipsa melancholia, unde variae amentium species. 1084.

Humores corruptos qui aliter a natura concoqui et domari possint, et demum blande excludi, irritat, et quasi in furorem agit, qui postea mota camerina, tetro vapore corpus varie lacessunt, animumque.

Quaedam universalia, particulariae, quaedam manifesta, quaedam in corpore, quaedam in cogitatione et animo, quaedam a stellis, quaedam ab humoribus, quae ut vinum corpus varie disponit, &c. Diversa phantasmata pro varietate causae externae, internae.

Cor varie inclinatur, nunc gaudens, nunc moerens; statim ex timore nascitur Zelotypia, furor, spes, desperatio.

Varie homines affecti, alii dei judicium ad tam pii exilium, alii ad naturam referebant, nec ab indignatione dei, sed humanis causis, &c. 12.

Souvent femme varie, my brothers.

It varies from the other hickories in the number of its leaflets, which are seven or nine, the down on its leaves and recent shoots, the hardness of the husk and thickness of the nut, the roundness of its large covered buds, and the strong resinous odor in leaves, buds and husks.

varie, Car toujours seray vostre amye.

Notre manuscrit a, pour son orthographe, le défaut qu'ils ont la plupart, c'est que, dans certains noms, elle varie souvent d'une page à l'autre, et quelquefois même dans deux phrases qui se suivent.

Il en sera de même des noms dont l'orthographe ne varie point dans le manuscrit, mais qui en ont aujourd'hui une différente. J'écrirai

Leur manière de combattre varie selon les circonstances.

La substance de l'ile meme se compose, dans ses couches inferieures, d'un gres calcaire coquillier, tantot blanchatre, tantot rougeatre, depose par couches horizontales, dont l'epaisseur varie de 2 a 8 decimetres (7 a 11 pouces) et qui toutes etant tres uniformes dans leur prolongement, pourroient offrir a la maconnerie des pierres de construction naturellement taillees.

Heft i. ZANETTI, A. "Varie Pitture," etc., with engravings of some fragments from the Fondaco de' Tedeschi frescoes, 1760.

In its centre, as it moves, it carries a lull whose breadth varies from five to thirty miles.

648 examples of  varie  in sentences