30 examples of variegata in sentences

When Venus stood before Anchises (as [5018]Homer feigns in one of his hymns) in her costly robes, he was instantly taken, "Cum ante ipsum staret Jovis filia, videns eam Anchises, admirabatur formam, et stupendas vestes; Erat enim induta peplo, igneis radiis spiendidiore; Habebat quoque torques fulgidos, flexiles haelices, Tenerum collum ambiebant monilia pulchra, Aurea, variegata.

There is a form having the leaves margined with pale yellow, and known under the name of E. glabra variegata.

There is a form in which the leaves are variegated, and known under the name of K. japonica variegata.

The variety C. Chamaecerasus variegata has the leaves suffused with greenish lemon.

P. lusitanica variegata is hardly sufficiently constant or distinct to warrant recommendation.

This and its variegated variety P. Mahaleb variegata are very free-flowering shrubs, and of neat growth.

P. trifoliata variegata is one of the handsomest of golden-leaved trees, and is well worthy of extensive planting.

There is a variegated form, S. Emodi variegata, and another named S. Emodi villosa, both good varieties.

The variety V. heterophylla variegata is a dwarf, low-growing plant with variegated leaves, and is used for pot work, for covering the ground in sub-tropical bedding designs, and might be used to great advantage for rambling over large stones in the rock garden.

There is a beautiful variegated form of this species named Y. filamentosa variegata, and one with much narrower leaves than the typical species, and known as Y. filamentosa angustifolia.

The A. Negundo Variegata has silvery variegated leaves, which contrast effectively with dark foliage, Campestre Colchicum Rubrum, with its bright crimson palmate leaves, is very ornamental, as is also Negundo Californicum Aurem, with its golden-yellow foliage.

The dwarf-growing Bamboos Fortunei variegata and Viridi-striata make graceful edgings to borders or paths.

The beautiful silver variegated variety Argenteo Variegata deserves a place in every shrubbery.

Height, 6 ft. Euonymus Radicans Variegata.

Height, 2 ft. Eurya Latifolia Variegata.

Height, 10 ft. Mentha Rotundifloria Variegata (Variegated Mint).A hardy perennial, which may be grown in any soil, and is easily increased by dividing the roots.

Height, 1 ft. Nepeta Glechoma Variegata.

The silvery variegated variety (Variegata), is fine for contrasting with others.

Height, 2 ft. Y Yew (Taxus).For landscape gardening the old gold-striped (Baccata Aurea Variegata) is most effective.

Height, 2 ft. to 3 ft. Zea Japonica Variegata (Striped Japanese Maize).A fine half-hardy annual ornamental grass, the foliage being striped green and white, and growing to the height of 3 ft.

Cetonia variegata.

Testa orbiculato-conica subdepressa albida spiraliter sub-striata rufo variegata, anfractibus biangulatis supra planis infra convexis, umbilico pervio edentulo.

Testa ovato-oblonga tuberculata spiraliter sulcata albida fusco-variegata, spira exserta, cauda recurva, labro incrassato posterius lobo digiti-formi termitato intus (roseo ?) sulcato.

The Variegated Stapelia, S. variegata, yields a flower in November, the thick petals of which are yellowish green with brown irregular spots, it is the simplest of the family.

45 dalmatica Dalmatian ditto c.m. 46 variegata Variegated-flowered ditto c.m. 47 biflora Two-flowered ditto l.b. 48 pumila Dwarf ditto c.m. 49 sibirica Siberian ditto c.m. 50 squalens Brown-flowered ditto c.m. 51 versicolor Various coloured ditto c.m.

30 examples of  variegata  in sentences