Do we say variety or varietal

variety 5694 occurrences

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There is here more variety of metre than in his other poems, and also some passages of such beauty as to make the poem immortal,like the death of Marmion, and those familiar lines in reference to Clara's constancy: "O woman!

But this was not to be; and perhaps the reason why he soon after gave up writing poetry was the conviction that his genius as a poet did not lie in variety and richness, either of style or matter.

Perhaps one test of a great book is the pleasure derived from reading it over and over again,as we read "Don Quixote," or the dramas of Shakspeare, of whose infinite variety we never tire.

They have some excellencies which are immortal,elevation of sentiment, chivalrous regard for women, fascination of narrative (after one has waded through the learned historical introductory chapters), the absence of exaggeration, the vast variety of characters introduced and vividly maintained, and above all the freshness and originality of description, both of Nature and of man.

shop, emporium, establishment; store &c 636; department store, general store, five and ten, variety store, co-op, finding store [U.S.], grindery warehouse^.

"It is to be noted that the distichous or 1/2 variety gives the maximum divergence, namely 180°, and that the tristichous, or 1/3, gives the least, or 120°; that the pentastichous, or 2/5, is nearly the mean between the first two; that of the 3/8, nearly the mean between the two preceding, etc.

The principle had not, indeed, been uniformly adhered to in the boroughs, where, as Lord John Russell, in the speech with which he introduced the bill, pointed out, a curious variety of courses had been adopted.

Amounts embracing such a variety of miscellaneous and unconnected expenses could hardly be expected to be kept with regularity, and there was lavish waste in every department.

Variety of Offices held Provisionally by the Duke of Wellington.

But with this reduction was combined a variety of other details relating to the Episcopal revenues, to the right of the bishops to grant leases, and other matters of finance, which the ministers proposed so to remodel as to create a very large fund to be at the disposal of the state.

They had begun the battle in both Houses in the debate on the address, in which they selected three points in the recent transactions for special condemnation, affirming that in every one of them the royal prerogative had been unconstitutionally exercisedthe dismissal of the late ministry, the dissolution of Parliament, and the appointment of the Duke of Wellington to a variety of offices.

And, indeed, the subjects which demanded the care of the minister, and attracted the attention of Parliament, were constantly increasing in number, variety, and importance to the very end of his administration.

There is much sameness in the character of the scenery; but that sameness is in itself delightful, as it consists in the recurrence of noble traits, which are too pleasing ever to be viewed with indifference; like the regular features which we sometimes find in the face of a lovely woman, their charm consists in their own intrinsic gracefulness, rather than in the variety of their expressions.

Project Gutenberg-tm Project Gutenberg-tm is synonymous with the free distribution of electronic works in formats readable by the widest variety of computers including obsolete, old, middle-aged and new computers.

Project Gutenberg-tm Project Gutenberg-tm is synonymous with the free distribution of electronic works in formats readable by the widest variety of computers including obsolete, old, middle-aged and new computers.

A variety of wretchedness is at all times preferable to one unvarying cause of pain or distress.

I. Aquifolium Hodginsii aurea is a sub-variety with a broad golden margin to the leaves, and the disc splashed with gray.

The typical plant has rosy flowers, but the variety L. tatarica albiflora has pure white flowers; and another, L. tatarica rubriflora has freely produced purplish-red flowers.

The variety V. heterophylla variegata is a dwarf, low-growing plant with variegated leaves, and is used for pot work, for covering the ground in sub-tropical bedding designs, and might be used to great advantage for rambling over large stones in the rock garden.

Project Gutenberg-tm Project Gutenberg-tm is synonymous with the free distribution of electronic works in formats readable by the widest variety of computers including obsolete, old, middle-aged and new computers.

The lights of Richmond looked far away, and the little town with its variety of levels had an Italian air in the distance.

She likes a brilliant life; and Mr. Smithson can give her as much gaiety and variety as she can possibly desire.

We will in the first place, prove by a cloud of witnesses, that the slaves are whipped with such inhuman severity, as to lacerate and mangle their flesh in the most shocking manner, leaving permanent scars and ridges; after establishing this, we will present a mass of testimony, concerning a great variety of other tortures.

He admitted that taxation should be always in proportion to property; that this was in theory the true rule, but that from a variety of difficulties it was a rule which could never be adopted in practice.

varietal 1 occurrences

They are more abundant and of a larger size in warmer seas; several varieties, attaining a large size and presenting marked varietal characters, are found in the intertropical area of the Atlantic.

Do we say   variety   or  varietal