2 examples of varona in sentences

Regarding this action by the Cubans, Dr. Enrique José Varona, a distinguished Cuban and a former deputy to the Cortes, has stated that "before the insurrection of 1868, the reform party which included the most enlightened, wealthy, and influential Cubans, exhausted all the resources within their reach to induce Spain to initiate a healthy change in her Cuban policy.

Mediation offered, 156 Presidential messages, 125, 135, 136, 137, 158, 178, 179, 180, 184 Relations with Cuba, 122 et seq., 179 V Valmaseda proclamation, 156 Varona, Enrique José, 153 Vedado, el, 82 Vegetable products, 228 et seq.

2 examples of  varona  in sentences