23 examples of vau in sentences

They said it was at the source of Nature, four elements, four seasons, &c., to which later speculators added the four rivers of Paradise, four evangelists, and association of the number four with God, whose name was a mystical Tetra grammaton, Jod, He, Vau, He.]

Vau Oiri Roi Pahoro Tuhura Patia Puhu miti Pahua Tapio

There were no speeches, but much laughter, and much singing of the himene written by the king, "E maururu a vau!"

V, when first distinguished from U, was called Vau, then Va, then Ve.

The five vowels by name are, Aleph, He, Vau, Yod, and Ain.

"But the Samaritan Vau may have been used, as the Jews did the Chaldaic, both for a vowel and consonant.

"But the Samaritan Vau may have been used, as the Jews used the Chaldaic, both for a vowel and for a consonant.

Catherine Vau (C of A. Gide); 12Mar73; R547992.

<pb id='238.png' n='1973h1/A/1824' /> VAU, CATHERINE. Hamlet.

Catherine Vau (C of A. Gide); 12Mar73; R547992.

<pb id='238.png' n='1973h1/A/1824' /> VAU, CATHERINE. Hamlet.

The ineffable name, the tetragrammaton, the shem hamphorash,for it is known by all these appellations,consists of four letters, yod, heh, vau, and heh, forming the word

[Hebrew: yod-heh-vau-heh].

And the third letter, vau, has the sound of open o.

Now, reading these four letters, [Hebrew: yod], or I, [Hebrew: heh], or H, [Hebrew: vau], or O, and [Hebrew: heh], or H, as the Hebrew requires, from right to left, we have the word

[Hebrew: yod-heh-vau-heh], equivalent in English to IH-OH, which is really as near to the pronunciation as we can well come, notwithstanding it forms neither of the seven ways in which the word is said to have been pronounced, at different times, by the patriarchs.

The incommunicable, ineffable name of God, in Hebrew [Hebrew: yod-heh-vau-heh], and called, from the four letters of which it consists, the tetragrammaton, or four-lettered name.

[Hebrew: yod-heh-vau-heh] commonly, but incorrectly, pronounced Jehovah.

Et ne vous amusez pas en racontant ces vau-de-villes, d'en citer l'Autheur, que vous ne soyez bien asseuré qu'il ne le trouuera pas mauuais.

They said it was at the source of Nature, four elements, four seasons, &c., to which later speculators added the four rivers of Paradise, four evangelists, and association of the number four with God, whose name was a mystical Tetra grammaton, Jod, He, Vau, He.]

vau-l'eau dans la mer, Oeuf de titan dont l'homme aurait fait un navire.

Guiraut de Bornelh tells us his method in a passage worth quoting in the original Mas per melhs assire mon chan, vau cercan bos motz en fre que son tuit cargat e ple d'us estranhs sens naturals; mas no sabon tuich de cals.

Dante preferred the difficult and artificial style of Arnaut to the simple style of the opposition school; from Arnaut he borrowed the sestina form; and at the end of the canto he puts the well-known lines, "Ieu sui Arnaut, que plor e vau cantan," into the troubadour's mouth.

23 examples of  vau  in sentences