1801 examples of velvets in sentences


| | | | Crossley's Velvets, Extra Quality, | | $2.25 per Yard.

| | | | Crossley's Velvets, Extra Quality, | | $2.25 per Yard.

In London King Henry and his fair Queen Eleanor held their court, gay with ladies in silks and satins and velvets and cloth of gold, and also brave knights and gallant courtiers.

Then next they met two noble knights in rich array, with hawk on wrist, and likewise two fair ladies clad in silks and velvets, all a-riding on noble steeds.

Well, I'm willing to bet you anything you like that if you were to step down out of your frame, change your velvets and laces for trousers and coat, leave off your great peruke, and wear a derby hat instead of that picturesque, floppy affair, and try your fortune with some Twentieth Century damsel, your high-sounding gallantries, and flattering phrases, would fall singularly flat, and you would be promptlyturned down, sir.

The meadows were green with matted grasses, the wheat and rye resembled rich velvets, and the ploughed fields had the fresh and mellowed appearance of good husbandry and a rich soil.

the velvets and satins and golden fringesit will be a true glimpse of the paradiso!"

| | | | Have made very large additions to their stock of | | | | CLOAK VELVETS, VELVETEENS, PLUSHES, ASTRAKHANS, MILLINERY | | and TRIMMING VELVETS, Etc.

| | | | Have made very large additions to their stock of | | | | CLOAK VELVETS, VELVETEENS, PLUSHES, ASTRAKHANS, MILLINERY | | and TRIMMING VELVETS, Etc.


From the villages the people came out to meet him, and here and there from some castle of a greater importance a chieftain would ride out with his bodyguard, gay in velvets, and silks from Bokhara and chogas of gold kinkob, and offer to him gold dust twisted up in the petal of a flower, which he touched and remitted.

When she took him to see some inaccessible picture, or went with him to inspect the treasures of a famous dealer, she saw that the things he looked at moved him in a way she could not understand, and that the actual touching of rare texturesbronze or marble, or velvets flushed with the bloom of agegave him sensations like those her own beauty had once roused in him.

He went to all the rooms in turn: his mother's first, the wonderful lacy bedroom, all pale silks and velvets, artful mirrors and veiled lamps, and the boudoir as big as a drawing-room, with pictures he would have liked to know about, and tables and cabinets holding things he was afraid to touch.

You and John Hanson are both young and have got your health and strength, and instead of buying sealskins, and velvets and furbelows, you had better be laying up for a rainy day.

There the merchant kept up appearances before the scrivener and any customers who might come in, by instructing him in the mysteries of his trade; by showing him the value of the different velvets and silks; and by teaching him his private marks, by which, in case of the absence of the merchant or his apprentice, he could state the price of any article to a trader who might come in.

"I am weary of velvets and silks, and though I do not know that wars and battles will be more to my taste, I would fain try them also.

" "I have been serving my time as apprentice to Master Nicholas Fleming, the merchant in velvets and silks in the Chepe.

" Harry felt rather nervous at the thought of being obliged to distinguish between the velvets, for although he had received some hints and instructions from the merchant, he knew that the appearance of one kind of velvet differed but slightly from that of the inferior qualities.

"I need not," he said, "look at the velvets, for I see my master's private marks upon them, and can of course tell you their value at once.

The consequence of attempting it is, that you will have bad silks, bad satins, bad velvets, and that is all.

The boy loathed the clinging dignities that made of him, at home, a royal automaton, tricked out in tarnished gold lace, faded velvets, and pompous airs.

Castleman reached home ten days or a fortnight after our arrest, bringing with him his precious silks, velvets, and laces to the last ell.

The samovar never quitted her table; she would wear nothing but silks and velvets; she slept on feather-beds of down.

You have my laces and velvets; my brocades and satins are already in the hands of the Manhattan dames; and your furs and johannes are safe where no boarding officer from the Coquette" "Well, there is no need of speaking-trumpets, to tell a man what he knows already, to his cost!

1801 examples of  velvets  in sentences