96 examples of ven in sentences


"That's the pint, sir; out vith it, as the father said to the child ven he swallowed a farden.

"Oh, quite enough to get, sir, as the soldier said ven they ordered him three hundred and fifty lashes," replied Sam.

"Hooroar for the principle, as the money-lender said ven he vouldn't renew the bill," observed Mr. Samuel Weller.

Do you understand me, Sam?" "Vell, sir," rejoined Sam, after a pause, "I think I see your drift, and it's my 'pinion that you're a-comin' it a great deal too strong, as the mail-coachman said to the snowstorm ven it overtook him.

He's a malicious, bad-disposed, vorldly-minded, windictive creetur wot's put me in, with a hard heart as there ain't no soft'nin', as the wirtuous clergyman remarked of the old gen'l'm'n with a dropsy, ven he said that upon the whole he thought he'd rather leave his property to his vife than build a chapel with it.

Orpheus hymno Ven.

Ven, la niebla del lago flota sobre nuestras frentes como un pabellón de lino ...

las ondas nos llaman con sus voces incomprensibles, el viento empieza entre los álamos sus himnos de amor; ven ... ven ... La noche comenzaba á extender sus sombras, la luna rielaba en la superficie del lago, la niebla se arremolinaba al soplo del aire, y los ojos verdes brillaban en la obscuridad como los fuegos fatuos que corren sobre el haz de las aguas infectas....

las ondas nos llaman con sus voces incomprensibles, el viento empieza entre los álamos sus himnos de amor; ven ... ven ... La noche comenzaba á extender sus sombras, la luna rielaba en la superficie del lago, la niebla se arremolinaba al soplo del aire, y los ojos verdes brillaban en la obscuridad como los fuegos fatuos que corren sobre el haz de las aguas infectas....

ven ... estas palabras zumbaban en los oídos de Fernando como un conjuro.

"Bolgia" (says the Vocabolario della Crusca, compendiato, Ven. 1792), "a valise; Latin, bulga, hippopera; Greek, ippopetha

En la de abajo se ven las antenas y la boca.

In poetry, r=av-en and r=a-ven are both trochees, the former syllable in each being long, and the latter short.

Captain Schloggenboschenheimer was heard to promise a substantial trink-geld, pour-boire, or vot-you-call-tip to Sergeant-Instructor Progg in the event of the latter official remaining mit him and prompting him mit der-vord-to-say ven it was necessary for him der-ting-to-do.

so impatient ven I hear you vanted to amputate dot girl's leg off.

"Dot limb is still vere it belongs, and vill be as good as ever ven de cast comes off.

"Good vork, good vork," said Dr. Hoffman approvingly, "if it had not ben for dat it vould haf been too late ven I came.

Heh Ven, pawnbroker.

Fame comes to Heh-Ven, by Emily Hahn.

Heh-ven helps me out, by Emily Hahn.

"She do dat," said he, "a dozen times ven

Ven my baby vakes up at night and vants some milk, I gif him a milk ticket.

La nuech vai e·l jorns ve ab elar eel e sere, e l'alba no's rete ans ven belh' e complia.

Vejaire m'es qu'eu senta Un ven de Paradis.

96 examples of  ven  in sentences