40 examples of venas in sentences

Ipsa venas atque mentem permeanti spiritu Intus occultis gubernat procreatrix viribus, Perque coelum, perque terras, perque pontum subditum Pervium sui tenorem seminali tramite 65 She has coax'd her the shade of the hazel to cover the wind-flower's birth.

A, mesentery; B, lacteals and mesentery glands; C, veins of intestines; R.C, receptacle of the chyle (receptaculum chyli); P V, portal vein; H V, hepatic veins; S.V.C, superior vena cava; R.A, right auricle of the heart; I.V.C, inferior vena cava.

A, mesentery; B, lacteals and mesentery glands; C, veins of intestines; R.C, receptacle of the chyle (receptaculum chyli); P V, portal vein; H V, hepatic veins; S.V.C, superior vena cava; R.A, right auricle of the heart; I.V.C, inferior vena cava.

A, superior vena cava; B, right auricle; C, right ventricle; D, left ventricle; E, left auricle; F, pulmonary vein; H, pulmonary artery; K, aorta; L, right subclavian artery; M, right common carotid artery; N, left common carotid artery.

A, aorta; B, superior vena cava; C, C, right pulmonary veins; D, inferior vena cava; E, section of coronary vein; F, right ventricular cavity; H, posterior curtain of the tricuspid valve; K, right auricular cavity; M, fossa ovalis, oval depression, partition between the auricles formed after birth.

A, aorta; B, superior vena cava; C, C, right pulmonary veins; D, inferior vena cava; E, section of coronary vein; F, right ventricular cavity; H, posterior curtain of the tricuspid valve; K, right auricular cavity; M, fossa ovalis, oval depression, partition between the auricles formed after birth.

The two largest veins in the body, the superior vena cava and the inferior vena cava, open into the right auricle.

The two largest veins in the body, the superior vena cava and the inferior vena cava, open into the right auricle.

These two great venous trunks are the inferior vena cava, bringing the blood from the trunk and the lower limbs, and the superior vena cava, bringing the blood from the head and the upper limbs.

These two great venous trunks are the inferior vena cava, bringing the blood from the trunk and the lower limbs, and the superior vena cava, bringing the blood from the head and the upper limbs.

[Illustration: Fig. 75.Diagram illustrating the Circulation. 1, right auricle; 2, left auricle; 3, right ventricle; 4, left ventricle; 5, vena cava superior; 6, vena cava inferior; 7, pulmonary arteries; 8, lungs; 9, pulmonary veins; 10, aorta; 11, alimentary canal; 12, liver; 13, hepatic artery; 14, portal vein; 15, hepatic vein.

[Illustration: Fig. 75.Diagram illustrating the Circulation. 1, right auricle; 2, left auricle; 3, right ventricle; 4, left ventricle; 5, vena cava superior; 6, vena cava inferior; 7, pulmonary arteries; 8, lungs; 9, pulmonary veins; 10, aorta; 11, alimentary canal; 12, liver; 13, hepatic artery; 14, portal vein; 15, hepatic vein.

From these capillaries the blood is carried by small veins which unite into a large trunk, the hepatic vein, which opens into the inferior vena cava.

A, left ventricle; B, right ventricle; C, left auricle; D, right auricle; E, superior vena cava; F, pulmonary artery; G, aorta; H, arch of the aorta; K, innominate artery; L, right common carotid artery; M, right subclavian artery; N, thyroid cartilage forming upper portion of the larynx; O, trachea.

Through the hilus the renal artery passes into each kidney, and from each hilus passes outwards the renal vein, a branch of the inferior vena cava.

Giacque gran pezzo il giovine Medoro, Spicciando il sangue da larga vena, Che di sua vita al fin saria venuto, Se non sopravenia chi gli diè aiuto.

Di si maraviglia ch'abbia in testa Una fontana d'acqua vivace, E come sospirar possa mai tanto; E spesso dice a così nel pianto: Queste non son più lacrime, che fuore Stillo da gli occhi con larga vena.

Amorque torret, intus saevus vorat Penitus medullas, atque per venas meat Visceribus ignis mersus, et venis latens,

3. etsi multos hoc improbasse sciam, innumeros hac ratione sanatos longa observatione cognovi, qui vigesies, sexagies venas tundendo, &c. 1504.

cibos crudos in venas rapit, qui putrescentes illic spiritus animalis inficiunt.

Crudi haec humoris copia per venas aggreditur, unde morbi multiplices.

Diaphragma titillant, quia transversum et nervosum, quia titillatione moto sensu atque arteriis distentis, spiritus inde latera, venas, os, oculos occupant.

Yo he sentido en una orgía arder mis labios y mi cabeza; yo he sentido este fuego que corre por las venas hirviente como la lava de un volcán, cuyos vapores caliginosos turban y trastornan el cerebro y hacen ver visiones extrañas.

El horror habia helado la sangre de mis venas; sentía en mi cuerpo como un frío glacial, y en mis sienes fuego....

We stopt at Venas, a wretched place with a wretched inn, the hostess of which showed us a chin swollen with the goitre, and ushered us into dirty comfortless rooms where we passed the night.

40 examples of  venas  in sentences