16 examples of venti in sentences

{85e} Venti cursores, wind courser.

[Sidenote: In orientali India vsque hodie venti anniuersarij arenis ostia fluminum suffocant.]

That he can by his angels, which are his ministers, strike and heal (saith Dionysius) whom he will; that he can plague us by his creatures, sun, moon, and stars, which he useth as his instruments, as a husbandman (saith Zanchius) doth a hatchet: hail, snow, winds, &c. Et conjurati veniunt in classica venti: as in Joshua's time, as in Pharaoh's reign in Egypt; they are but as so many executioners of his justice.

Whether Mount Athos, Pelion, Olympus, Ossa, Caucasus, Atlas, be so high as Pliny, Solinus, Mela relate, above clouds, meteors, ubi nec aurae nec venti spirant (insomuch that they that ascend die suddenly very often, the air is so subtile,) 1250 paces high, according to that measure of Dicearchus, or 78 miles perpendicularly high, as Jacobus Mazonius, sec.

danc't After her fingers" and those lascivious winds stayed Daphne when she fled from Apollo; "nudabant corpora venti, Obviaque adversas vibrabant flamina vestes.

"O quoties dixi Zephyris properantibus illuc, Felices pulchram visuri Amaryllada venti." "O happy western winds that blow that way, For you shall see my love's fair face to day.

" "Nulla vis flammae tumidique venti Tanta, nec teli metuanda torti.

Oculi his excavantur, venti gignuntur circum praecordia et acidi ructus, sicci fere ventres, vertigo, tinnitus aurium, somni pusilli, somnia terribilia et interrupta.

2. Frigidus aer, nubilosus, densus, vitandus, aeque ac venti septentrionales, &c. 3183.

27): Quorum simul alba nautis stella refulsit, Defluit saxis agitatus humor, Concident venti, fugiuntque nubes, etc.

He read: "'Hoc nemus umbriferum pingit viridissima Rutae Silvula coeruleae, foliis quae praedita parvis, Umbellas jaculata brevis, spiramina venti Et radios Phoebi caules transmittit ad imos, Attactuque graves leni dispergit odores, Haec cum multiplici vigeat virtute medelae, Dicitur occultis apprime obstare venenis, Toxicaque invasis incommoda pellere fibris.'

These inducements rendered the pilot always a welcome guest at La Santa Maria degli Venti, as the house was called, though it had no other sign than the often-renewed bush already mentioned.

This is an honor that don't befall the Santa Maria degli Venti more than once in a century; and you, too, Signor Podestà, once before only have you ever had leisure to darken my poor door.

Ella potra adorare appresso di noi il suo Dio, con venti quatro altre vergini a sua ellezzione, e potra cantare con loro come la Tortora alla Primavera.

When Dolce says that Titian painted with Giorgione at the Fondaco, "non avendo egli allora appena venti anni," he is only trying to make out that his hero, here as everywhere, was a most unusual person (the whole dialogue is a glorification of the master).

Spanish ditto c.m. 408 - peregrinum Saw-leaved ditto c.m. 409 Phlomis tuberosa Tuberous-rooted Phlomis c.m. 410 - Herba venti Rough-leaved ditto l.b.

16 examples of  venti  in sentences