6770 examples of ventured in sentences

But the Winkelried was running along the coast of Savoy, ere any ventured forth, and the search proved fruitless.

The respectable-looking pair moved slowly to the side of their daughter, and, having placed themselves one on each side of her, they first ventured to cast furtive and subdued glances at the multitude.

As M. Law writes, if Renault had been free to join the Nawab with 500 Europeans, either Clive would not have ventured a night attack on the Nawab's camp, or, had he done so, the event would probably have been very different.

In Virginia I had to oppose a most bigoted, narrow, illiberal clique in a railroad company, which had the address to get a bill through the House of Delegates giving them actually the monopoly of telegraphs, and ventured to halloo before they were out of the woods.

But certainly he must be a plucky sort of person to have ventured a journey of four hundred miles on snowshoes.

No one else ventured to assail him as Graham thus did; for, with all his geniality and unaffected humility, there was a certain personal dignity about him which few ventured to invade.

No one else ventured to assail him as Graham thus did; for, with all his geniality and unaffected humility, there was a certain personal dignity about him which few ventured to invade.

Now who, of all the sagacious, far-sighted men then living, could have ventured to predict that at the end of one hundred years the American nation that was so soon to be should be engaged in a civil contest having for its object, on the part of those who began it, the perpetuation and extension of slavery, while Russia should be threatened with such a contest because her government, an autocracy, had abolished serfdom?

Some things which she said must have had a meaning hidden from me, for I could see that the man winced, and at last he ventured to say, "Mary Ann, what's the use in talkin' about it?" "Do as you like," she snapped back; "only I a'n't a-goin' to be blamed for your doin's.

As I was apparently none the worse for the night's experiences, he rallied at last, and ventured to talk at, as well as to, me.

Even at the end of that contest, no one had ventured to claim such a freedom as our Declaration of Independence asserts, on the one side,nor to recognize the possibility of such a barbarism as Jefferson Davis glorifies, on the other.

SIR: Believing that it would be important for me to receive the dispatches you might think it necessary to send with the President's message, I ventured on incurring the expense of a courier to bring it to me as soon as it should arrive at Havre.

With that he ventured to pat the hand now lying on the arm of the chair so near him.

"And you'll be down theremending boats?" He nodded, his eyes going where words had not ventured.

But the man of her choice was a brave man and ventured to guess that there were four.

But it was because she had ventured at all that the great adventure was offered her.

"You are thinking," she ventured, "that your feeling for it is going to behard for me?" He nodded; he was still holding her hand tightly, as if to make sure of keeping it.

"Well I suppose"this she ventured tremulously, imploringly"you went to West Pointand were didn't finish?

If it had not been common for servants to acquire property over which they had the control, the servant of Elisha would hardly have ventured to take a large sum of money, (nearly $3000[A]) from Naaman, 2 Kings v. 22, 23.

I had a few shillings in money which were given me at Richmond, and after travelling nearly twenty-four hours from the time I crossed the line, I ventured to call at a tavern, and buy a dinner.

I doubted this; and he was met, at the address he gave, (at an Irish greengrocer's, the only person he knew in London,) by an order for money enough to carry him over two or three weeks,money given by two or three friends to whom I ventured to open the case.

There was no resisting their overrunning spirits, though now and then the mother ventured on a mild protest, but the smile which always accompanied the gentle reproof betrayed the truth, that she was as happy as they in their merriment, with which she would not have interfered for the world.

Nor was the Duc d'Orléans less mortified and alarmed than the Queen-mother; but neither the one nor the other ventured to expostulate; and, although with less precipitation than the King, Monsieur commenced his preparations.

We talked indifferently for a few moments, and then I ventured on the great loan.

By way of specimen, as to the remarks we have ventured to make, we shall endeavour to take to pieces the following sophism, for a sophism we cannot help considering it: "Duties are not voluntary; duty and will are even contradictory terms.

6770 examples of  ventured  in sentences