65 examples of verita in sentences

In vino veritas, my son, but the truth must be measured in quarts for each individual.

I, xl, 3. "Una verita ascosa sotto bella menzogna."

[Lat.]; per troppo dibatter la verita si perde

[It]; troppo disputare la verita fa errare

plain truth, honest truth, sober truth, naked truth, unalloyed truth, unqualified truth, stern truth, exact truth, intrinsic truth; nuda veritas [Lat.]; the very thing; not an illusion &c 495; real Simon Pure; unvarnished tale, unvarnished truth; the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth; just the thing.

[Fr.]; ex facto jus oritur [Lat.]; la verita e figlia del empo [It]; locos y ninos dicen la verdad

[Cicero]; veritas nunquam perit [Lat.]

[It]; Dichtung und Wahrheit [G.]; esto quod esse videris [Lat.]; magna est veritas et praevalet [Lat.]; that golden key that opes the palace of eternity

[Milton]; veritas odium parit

There was, therefore, a combination of Lux et Veritas in the blood of young Louis Stevenson, which in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde took the form of a luminous portrayal of a great moral idea.

Asser Arthuri; parcerem libenter heroinarum laesae majestati, si non historiae veritas aurem vellicaret, Leland.

My maxim is Vigeat veritas et pereat mundus, like the lawyers' Fiat justitia et pereat mundus.

It is an observation of the younger Pliny, in his epistle to his friend Tacitus, that history ought never to magnify matters of fact, because worthy actions require nothing but the truth: "nam nec historia debet egredi veritatem, et honeste factis veritas sufficit."

To please the brotherhood, whose excellent wine pleased him, he sung, and as "in vino veritas," his song will well become this veritable history.

Pilate's question, QUID EST VERITAS?

The document giving an account of Jesus Christ, which is referred to by Veritas, in No. 533 of The Mirror, has been long since known to be a glaring forgery.

Dr. Mosheim, among his excellent works, has published a dissertation, showing the reasons and causes of these supposed letters and writings respecting Christ, the Apostles, &c., to which I would beg to recommend your correspondent Veritas.


Nuda veritas, 1-8.

© 3Dec23, A771734. R84005, 4Oct51, Genevieve Burnell Forgey (C) Nuda veritas, 9-22.

BURNELL, MARY LAMOREAUX. Nuda veritas, 23-36, 59.

To a student of the community he was a key, a lamp, a lexicon, a microscope, a tabulated statement, a book of heraldry, a city directory, a glass of wine, a Book of Days, a pair of wings, a comic almanac, a diving bell, a Creole veritas.

And here I beg that parties, and the bar in general[interrupted by Lord Hermand: Your Lordship should address yourself to the Chair]I say, I beg it may be understood that I do not rest my opinion on the ground that veritas convicii excusat.

It is said that this is a Louse in fact, and that the veritas convicii excusat; and mention is made of a decision in the case of Chalmers v. Douglas.

And Mrs. Chalmers brought an action of defamation before the Commissaries, and it came by advocation into this Court, and your Lordships allowed a proof of the veritas convicii, and it lasted a very long time, and in the end answered no good purpose even to the defender herself, while it did much hurt to the pursuer's character.

65 examples of  verita  in sentences