5 examples of verray in sentences

O verray cause of hele and of gladnesse, Y-heried be thy might and thy goodnesse!

He was a verray parfit gentil knight.

Sir Philip Sidney, that "verray parfit gentil knight" and discriminating litterateur, said "I never heard the old song of Percie and Douglas that I found not my hart mooved more than with a trumpet: and yet it is sung but by some blynd Crowder, with no rougher voyce than rude stile!

" This londës verray tresour and richesse Dethe by thy dethe hath harm irreparable Unto us done; hir vengeable duresse Dispoilëd hath this londe of the swetnésse Of Rhetoryk.

"'Lord Jhesu Crist and seynte Benedight, Blesse this hous from every wikkede wight Fro nightes verray, the white Paternoster When wonestow now, seynte Petres soster.'

5 examples of  verray  in sentences