117 examples of verry in sentences

You 'ave sooprise me a verry gred deal.

I am verry sorry and mutch vex grieve bother pester haras

I beg you verry mutch to anwer respond reply if that letter I supose deeme concieve cogitate mediat when you will received my letter you will respond me at once imadiatty from your cervill and faitfull.

At the right moment she cried out: "Help Verry, she is sorry.

When Verry suffered long and mysterious illnesses, which made her helpless for weeks, she watched her day and night, but rarely caressed her.

At other times Verry was left pretty much to herself and her ways, which were so separate from mine that I scarcely saw her.

We grew up ignorant of each other's character, though Verry knew me better than I knew her; in time I discovered that she had closely observed me, when I was most unaware.

"Where is Verry, mother?"

"Verry, where are the mice?" "Are they gone?" "Tell me.

"I am sorry about the butterfly, Verry."

" As I developed the dramatic part of my storythe blow given Charlotte Alden, Verry rubbed her face shrinkingly, as if she had felt the blow.

" "Charles can eat it," Verry said with a sigh.

" "Oh, Verry," said mother, "not quite so bad; you are too hard upon yourself.

Can you forget you said such a thing?" "Verry, you drive me wild.

Say so to my own child?" Verry turned her face to the wall and said no more; but she had started a less pleasant train of thought.

"Eh, Verry," said father, "are you there?

What can she do?" Grandfather pursed up his mouth, and turned toward mother, as if he would like to say: "You understand bringing up children, don't you?" She comprehended him, and, giving her head a slight toss, told Verry to go and play on the piano.

Grandfather went, and presently Mr. Park got up in a lingering way, said that Verry must learn to play for the Lord, and bade us "Good night."

Mother retired; Verry still played.

I could never perform mechanically what I heard now from Verry.

We did not perceive the process, but Verry was educated by sickness; her mind fed and grew on pain, and at last mastered it.

"Miss Verry's sun puts out her fire.

" "Because," said Verry, "we are all so different; but I like you, mother, and all that you do.

He consented to wait; but I did not tell Verry what I had done.

"For once I have tried to do my best," she said; "all for Verry.

117 examples of  verry  in sentences