64 examples of versicles in sentences

Canticles Replies of Biblical Commission on Psalms Versicles and responds (Title XXIV) Absolutions and blessings (Title XXV) Lessons (Title XXIV) Responses (Title XXIV) Rubrics and Symbolism Te Deum (Title XXXI) Texts and Intentions CHAPTER II.LAUDS AND PRIME TITLES (XIV AND XV).

In time, only the opening words of the antiphons, responsories and versicles were printed, and to the volume thus turned out was given the name Breviary.

The labour for brevity, simplicity and uniformity led to the removal from this Breviary of antiphons, responses, little chapters and versicles, and to the reduction of lessons at matins to three, and the number of psalms in each hour was usually only three.

It is excellent in its style and in its form for the parts of each hour; the antiphons, psalms, canticles, hymns, versicles, follow one another in splendid harmony.

The results of their labours were submitted to the Sacred Congregation of Rites, and after careful consideration by the members of the Congregation the matter was submitted to the Pope, who sanctioned the new arrangement, that is, as regards the order and the division of the Psalms, Antiphons, Versicles and Hymns, with the rubrics and rules pertaining to the same.

Other authors say that the word is derived from the ancient practice of chanting twice or in repetition the complete responses and versicles.

The versicles, antiphons, responses, preces and suffrages of saints, which are recited in semi-double offices, are given below under their own titles.

In commemorations in the Office, the versicle, response, antiphon and collect of a semi-double is made after the following commemorations (if they should have a place in the recitation of the day).

Second, where a commemoration for a saint or saints of title similar to that of the saints whose office is being said, is to be made, the Congregation of Rites (5th May, 1736) arranged that not even the versicles and response be repeated and that the following order be observed: IN VESPERS 1st Com. made by Antiphon and Versicle of Lauds.

In the above given form of making commemorations it may be noted that the second commemoration in Lauds is made up from the versicles and response of Matins and not from second Vespers, so as to avoid repeating in Lauds what was said at Vespers (Cavalieri).

In this wonderful composition, there are probably two hymns connected, and followed by a set of versicles and.

22-29 (Salvum fac ... in aeternum) is considered by scholars to be simply versicles, responses and prayers; the verses 22-23 (Salvum fac... usque in aeternum).

The hymns, psalms, antiphons and versicles of Lauds, all proclaim the mystery of Christ's Resurrection, and the light which enlightens our souls.

They consist of versicles and responses and these differ from other versicles and responses, which are generally historic, e.g., In omnem terram exivit sonus eorum, Amavit eum Dominus et laudavit eum.

They consist of versicles and responses and these differ from other versicles and responses, which are generally historic, e.g., In omnem terram exivit sonus eorum, Amavit eum Dominus et laudavit eum.

But the versicles and responses of the preces are always a call to God or an exhortation to praise God (e.g., Fiat misericordia tua, Domine), super nos, Quemadmodum speravimus in te (see Prime, infra, page 193).

The prayer, 'Sancta Maria et omnes sancti' forms a natural conclusion, to the reading of the Martyrology, The 'Deus in adjutorium,' the 'Pater Noster' with accompanying versicles, and the collect, are the prayers before manual labour: 'Respice,' etc., Look, O Lord, upon Thy servants and upon Thy works... and direct Thou the work of our hands.

These include versicles, responses, confiteor, misereatur... indulgentiam... versicles responses.

These include versicles, responses, confiteor, misereatur... indulgentiam... versicles responses.

After the Indulgentiam come the concluding versicles of the preces, Dignare ... sine peccato ...

In Sunday Matins special versicles are given.

The same six versicles are used as an example by Prof. Fowler, who, without admitting any ambiguity in the measure, introduces them, rather solecistically, thus: "Each of the following lines consist of a single Anapest.

G. B. [508] These versicles, except the two which are Italicized, are not iambic.

Decani always begin the psalms and say the versicles, Cantoris always respond.

The morbid fancies and melancholy scorn of a Byron, for instance, such gentry reflect back from their foggy imaginations in exaggerated and distorted feebleness of whining versicles, and so on with other lights celestial or infernal.

64 examples of  versicles  in sentences