2385 examples of very different in sentences

" "That he is so now, I fully believe; but that a very different magnet first kept him from the Canadas, I am sure.

As Frank remarked, it was a very different thing to sit there in the broiling sun and eat sandwiches and devilled eggs, or to consume the same viands with the yacht madly flying along in rolling waves and dashing spray.

Such an arrival could not possibly have escaped the notice of the inmates of the house; and, as the young lady from the railway came in at the front, another and a very different-looking lady marched through to the parlor from the rear.

Though the tones of their voices denoted very different sensations, at the unexpected appearance of their old acquaintance.

'Wot's the matter?' "'Sam,' ses Ginger, in a very different voice to wot he 'ad used the night before, 'Sam, old pal, he's taken all our money and bolted.' "'Wot?'

You will tell me I did not make it a part of your education: your prospect was very different from hers.

Now the man who has his heart on his sleeve, and a good whirling weathercock of a brain, who reckons his life as a thing to be dashingly used and cheerfully hazarded, makes a very different acquaintance of the world, keeps all his pulses going true and fast, and gathers impetus as he runs, until, if he be running towards anything better than wildfire, he may shoot up and become a constellation in the end.

In the second place, although the above municipal situations were originally purchased with a view to obtain some advantages, these formerly were very different to what they are at present, when the great increase of shippers to Acapulco, or in more plain terms, of purchase of tickets competing to obtain them, has given to these permits a value more than triple to that they possessed thirty years ago.

When Crawlie was so angry that he couldn't hiss, but could only dart his tongue out, the water-snake changed the subject, and began to talk in a very different tone.

On another point, I must assume a very different tone.

"I have," replied Judith, "and in very different hands.

The surgery of war is a very different thing from the surgery of home.

She was only plain, not ugly, after all; and they are very different things,there being a beauty of plainness in men and women, as there is in a rich fabric, sometimes.

A mere question of pigment in the eye has settled many a man's fate in life, and established him with a wife who turned out to be very different from the girl he fondly thought he was getting.

But the woman who faced him now, with full understanding, was very different from the timid, frightened girl who had not at first understood.

Jerusalem was a very different thing from Edessa.

The mere natural unsanctified dread or awe of the Lord's presence is very different from that worship of God which is through Christ our Lord, who has made a way of access for us to the Father, who Himself loveth us.

I have no hope of being the harbinger of any thing but circumstances of a very different tendency.

But on his way he had met the cockroach in question, and his desire washeld, however, against certain entomologiststo prove the cockroaches of the phoraspe species, remarkable for their colors, have very different habits from cockroaches properly so called; he had given himself up to the study, forgetting both that there had been a Captain Hull in command of the "Pilgrim," and that that unfortunate had just perished with his crew.

And with regard to the ordinary practical work of government, we shall see that government in the United States is not very different from government in the other civilized countries of the world.

A very different type, this, from the dark, sinewed master of Niss'rosh.

DYER'S-WEED, or WELD.Is often confounded with Woad, but is altogether a very different plant.

Great as is the absolute nature of Harmonics, with all its details as set forth in my third book, it is all found among the celestial motions, not indeed in the manner which I imagined (that is not the least part of my delight), but in another very different, and yet most perfect and excellent.

"America is very different from Europe, then, mademoiselle.

Very different were the views of the Elizabethan tragedians, who aimed at representing not only the catastrophe, but the whole development of circumstances of which it was the effect; they traced, with elaborate and abounding detail, the rise, the growth, the decline, and the ruin of great causes and great persons; and the result was a series of masterpieces unparalleled in the literature of the world.

2385 examples of  very different  in sentences