76 examples of vic in sentences

(I wasn't going to be calling him Skinny,) I said, "You go and ask Vic Norris if he's got an awl or a small gimletsee?

Vic had charge of the locker where we kept the lights and oil and tools and all that kind of stuff.

Right behind him were Vic Norris and Stut Moran.

so you can get even with Vic.

All because you and Vic were on the outs last summer.

"I forgot all about that," I said; "didn't Vic treat me to a soda only last week?

I didn't even know Vic was after it.

What chance does he stand if Vic is after it?

If I'd known Vic was after the badge, I wouldn't have said a word about it, you can bet.

Did I have any quarrel with you, Vic?" Honest, would you believe it, none of them said a word except, "Come ahead, Skinny," and the poor kid followed them out, not knowing what to think, I guess.

Just because last summer I put a stalking sign on one of Vic's trees.

"You trot right over here to mamma, Skinny," Vic Norris of the Elks shouted; "we'll take care of you.

If you heard Vic Norris snore, you'd think it was the West Front in France.

And I says to him, 'Now, Vic., it's fame your after.'

He don't lay among the whites, and there isn't a day in summer when the name of Vic.

It cost us $1,500, and Vic. is bricked up in a vault underneath.

He noticed during the day the Captain entering the diligence for Vic.

And the father who is at Vic, and who, I doubt not, is snoring too.

They had just reached Vic, where they changed horses.

You are talking, no doubt, of Monsieur Tibulle, President of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, and Judge of the Court at Vic.

As a teen-ager, Trader Vic made a living playing cards in New York.

A ceaseless battle, always threatening the roads to Paris, from Amiens and Soissons, Rheims and Vic-sur- Aisne, was raging night and day, month after month.

Mrs. W. Findlay Downs (W of George W. Mixter); 9Aug71; R510891. MIZZY, VIC.

Vic Mizzy (A); 21Oct71; R515406.

It was fitting that, after fulfilling his seventy years, he should catch a glimpse of 'little Vic' as Queen of England, laughing, eating, and showing her gums too much at the Pavilion.

76 examples of  vic  in sentences