199 examples of viciously in sentences

He was not in the huddle that cowered in the reeds to escape the balls, still hurtling viciously over the open.

She saw him snatch a pole from one of the men and stab viciously at a log which refused to budge; and every time that his arm rose and fell a little shudder trickled down her spinal column.

" She threw the door open with a bang, and then stood and shook her little fist viciously.

Br-r-r-!"he shivered"I have been down to the door, and it is snowing viciously.

And Jeanne's black eyes snapped viciously as she drove off, her piles of boxes following slowly in two wagon-loads behind.

That Jeal person is a decided nuisance," said Miss Hugonin, as she stabbed her hat rather viciously with two hat-pins and then laid it aside on a table.

" When Caesar heard these words, he grinned viciously with his upper lip, but the next second he dropped Jarro.

" Sealman grinned viciously.

Angela stabbed a hatpin viciously into her hat.

" "I am so glad," exclaimed Miss Gibson viciously.

"Yes," said Juliet rather viciously; "I am not quite clear as to what part that good gentleman has played in the matter.

But he was a hardy customer, for he bounced up like a rubber ball, only to be floored even more viciously before he was well set on his feet.

She thumped it viciously.

The regular smiting sound of a cracked bell, viciously rung, came from it.

The struggle was a desperate one for a time, for Sandy was not very strong as compared with his opponent, and the man he was fighting with fought viciously.

He hurled a bucket viciously at his helper.

Her hairanother gray oneshe plucked it out viciously.

it's only fit to be burnt," Lewisham remarked to the universe, and pitched one viciously into the corner.

In an abandon he leaned far forward over his saddle, the rowel of his spur dug viciously into his horse's flank.

They also believe that souls possess immortal power and that under the earth there will be rewards or punishments according as men have lived virtuously or viciously in this life, and that the vicious are to be detained in an everlasting prison and that the virtuous shall have the power to live again.

Seldom, if ever, have health officials been more viciously and persistently attacked than have Dr. Heiser and myself.

In the incomparable apologues of the "Phaedrus" he represents our inward charioteer as driving toward the empyrean two steeds, of which the one is virtuously attracted toward heaven, while the other is viciously drawn to the earth; but he countenances the inference that the earthward proclivity of the latter is to be accounted pure misfortune.

Charming Billy, his hat carefully dimpled, his blue tie fastidiously knotted and pierced with the Klondyke nugget-pin which was his only ornament, wandered hastily through the assembled groups and slapped viciously at mosquitoes.

" "Hornsby wasn't shocked," said Cass, a little viciously.

she whispered, viciously, "look at the tender vigils of your heart-broken May!"

199 examples of  viciously  in sentences