57 examples of viciousness in sentences

A singular caprice of hers, given her own viciousness, was to join, as a lady patroness, a society whose purpose was to succor and moralize young offenders on their release from prison.

Not only were the officers of the Macedonian brutal; but the crew was made up of a motley class of human beings of every class of viciousness and brutality.

From the high ground away to the left came the sudden crack of a revolver shot that rang out with startling viciousness on the night air.

" With a deep chuckle Tommy turned to obey, while Joyce laughed with a viciousness that I should never have given her credit for.

His incredulity does not appear so much the offspring of viciousness refusing the curb of moral restraint, as of pride unwilling to be trammelled by the opinions of the multitude.

The mantle of royalty and nobility, like dipsomania, excuses a multitude of sins, hypocrisy, and injustice, and inclines the world to overlook, disregard, or even condone, what in them is considered small vices, eccentricities of genius, but which in a private person are magnified into mountains of viciousness, and call forth an army of well meaning but inconsistent people to reform them by brute force.

His was not the viciousness of nature, but the corruption of success.

He looked the very personification of impotent viciousness; the incarnation of devilish rage.

That must be broken up from which their ignorance, and viciousness, and wretchedness proceeded.

That must be broken up from which their ignorance, and viciousness, and wretchedness proceeded.

But in course of time, especially in Philadelphia as it increased in population, the viciousness of the system was abundantly illustrated.

The viciousness of the system adopted.

They shed many tears of anguish over the faithlessness of husbands; tears of hatred over the viciousness of temptresses.

"The man's former viciousness caused him to be suspected of this crime.

It was only when special orders for "frightfulness" had been issued, or when officers in subordinate command let their men get out of hand, or led the way to devilry by their own viciousness of action, that the rank and file of the enemy's army committed its brutalities.

Satiated with flattery, bored by the narrow circle in which she was forced to move, profoundly humiliated by the neglect and viciousness of her husband, she was charmed by the wit, independence, and true courtesy of the brilliant American.

I have half a mind to shake your viciousness out of you, that I have!

" "Dear me!" said his niece, with suppressed viciousness.

In fact, he alleged heatedly, window breaking was a sign of peculiar viciousness.

Their action was the result, not of an "ebullition of revenge for three centuries of tyranny" as stated by Blount, but of insensate greed of gold and damnable viciousness.

The gleam in the dark eyes of Muztagh was not viciousness, but simply inheritance, a love of the wide wild spaces that left no room for ordinary friendships.

At length the old woman spoke, and with some viciousness, though her face remained as blank as the Workhouse door.

If that could be proved, the question would still remain whether the incompetency and the indolence and the viciousness may not, to a considerable degree, be the effects of causes for which society is responsible, and which, in a thoroughly Christianized society, would not be permitted to exist.

Oh, the sweet viciousness of that "I wish it had rained!"

* Viciousness is a bag with which man is born.

57 examples of  viciousness  in sentences