17 examples of vidette in sentences

I told him not to shoot, as I was a scout from Fort Hays; and then, calling the sergeant of the guard, I went up to the vidette of the post, who readily recognized me.

Thus far nothing had been heard from the videttes, who were undoubtedly carrying out their orders to the best of their ability.

Then a couple of dim forms hove in sight, being Steve and his fellow vidette, ready to hand over the guns to their successors, and seek the shelter of the cabin for a little rest.

They intrenched themselves under the protection of wagons and all sorts of obstacles to a sudden attack; placed outposts and videttes; and thus took the field in the doubly dangerous aspect of fanaticism and war.

"In looking for him," says the writer, "I got far to our right, and in a hollow of the woods found a grand guard of the Eleventh Cavalry, with pickets and videttes out, gravely sitting their horses, and watching the wood-roads for the advance of an enemy who was then retreating across Ely's Ford!"

Our company shortly after was separated, and placed, for the most part, as videttes, at various points near the town.

Among such exceptions may be cited that of the Resolutions addressed to President Adams by the students, and copied herein from the pages of the Vidette.

Meantime, April 13, 1867, The Williams Vidette had been started, and in 1872, the older Quarterly was merged into it.

The Vidette was published fortnightly until June, 1874, when it, together with The Williams Review, a tri-weekly, started in June, 1870, was united to form the fortnightly Williams Athenoeum, the first issue of which appeared October 10, 1874.

Chant a strain of peace to me, Swallow from beyond the sea! Vidette, 1871.

Convinced that this would prove to be either a cavalry vidette, or a Federal foraging party, it made me more anxious to get quickly down into the town, hopeful they might have a spare horse with them, and I pointed out the dust spirals to my companion.

We of the Ninth were at the edge of an opening in the woods, with low hills on either hand, our pickets within easy musket-shot of the gray-clad videttes beyond the fringe of trees.

The vidette is on the corner, and we do not need you!"

So thickly were they packed that I waited in vain, as much as twenty minutes, for some opening through which I might work my way to the other side, and at last called the vidette, who came and helped me over.

That night about ten o'clock the vidette halted a man, who explained that he was surgeon in charge of that institution, and when he got leave to go on, I caught him by the lapel of his coat, and said: "If you are Surgeonwhat is the reason that the eight men I sent you this afternoon had had no supper at nine o'clock?" He promised to attend to them before he slept, and on that we parted.

Wild fowl crossed the sky in wedge and battalion, their videttes out, their lines now firm, now wheeling in a long curve to take the path of the wind.

They gave the word and the countersign, and they passed by the videttes to the left, along the bank of the swift Azen. Saphir Ali, who had very unwillingly left his bottle, grumbled about the darkness, the underwood, the ditches, and rode swearing by Ammalát's side; but seeing that nobody began the conversation, he resolved to commence it himself.

17 examples of  vidette  in sentences