13 examples of viking's in sentences

His skin was fair as a girl's, and his eyes as big and blue as a young Viking's; but the Indian boy's locks were black as ink, his skin was swarthy, his eyes small and dark, and his features that strange mixture of the Indian, the Esquimo, and the Japanese which we often see in the best of our Alaskan cousins.

His were the Viking's sinewy hands, The arching foot of Eastern lands.

The Viking's daughter.

The Viking's daughter.

'Mid flashing sword, and axe, and flame, Snatched by a Viking's iron grasp,

The Viking's ship comes; King Agna stands by the prowhe brings as booty the King of Finland's daughter.

Njorfe, King of Uplands, in Norway, had, in the mean while, followed Viking's example, and he too rejoiced in a large family, numbering also nine brave sons.

Viking's sons, as tall and strong as he, were inclined to be rather reckless of their opponents' welfare, and, judging from the following account, translated from the old saga, the players were often left in as sorry a condition as after a modern game.

" The game between Njorfe's and Viking's sons culminated in a disagreement, and one of the former nine struck one of the latter a dangerous and treacherous blow.

Throughout the story Jokul is represented as somewhat of a coward, for he resorted by preference to magic when he wished to injure Viking's sons.

When he came to win his bride by the force of arms, and they saw themselves defeated, they poisoned Alfsol rather than have her fall alive into the viking's hands.

I. Friend of Viking, 247; makes friends with Njorfe, 248; Viking's sons visit, 249.

King of Uplands, friend of Viking and Halfdan, 248; sons of attack Viking's sons, 249. NO'BEL.

13 examples of  viking's  in sentences