16761 examples of village in sentences

Presently, in the lee of a little brick farmhouse a short distance from the village of Aubers, we alighted, and, with warnings that it was better not to keep too close together, walked a little farther down the road.

Somebody wanted to walk on to the desolate village which raised its smashed walls a few hundred yards down the road.

Our bird and his pursuers disappeared in the north; over the level country to the south floated a German observation balloon, and presently we rumbled over a canal and through the shattered village of La Bassée.

There is continual movement in this bodythe men in the trenches go back after forty-eight hours to the near-by village, after days or weeks of this service, back clear out of the zone of fire; fresh men come up to take their places, and so on.

The only Bulgarian I had known beforeI met him on the steamerhad gone from a little village near Sofia to Harvard.

VARIOUS LOCAL SYSTEMS.J.H.V. Studies, I., vi., Edward Ingle, Parish Institutions of Maryland; I., vii., John Johnson, Old Maryland Manors; I., xii., B.J. Ramage, Local Government and Free Schools in South Carolina; III., v.-vii., L. W. Wilhelm, Local Institutions of Maryland; IV., i., Irving Elting, Dutch Village Communities on the Hudson River.

But it still oftener means a collection of streets, houses, and families too large to be called a village, but without the municipal government that characterizes a city.

But such cases are of course mere survivals from the time when the suburb was a village.

In American usage generally the town is something between village and city, a kind of inferior or incomplete city.

This agrees substantially with the usage in European history, where "town" ordinarily means a walled town or city as contrasted with a village.

In five minutes the party were far on their way back to the ship, and in less than five hours after the Esquimaux had closed their barter and left for their village, four of their number, including the baby, were close prisoners in the Dolphin's hold.

<pb id='265.png' n='1973h1/A/1833' /> YANG, MARTIN C. A Chinese village: Taitou, Shantung Province.

Hidden village mystery.

But it stood in a singularly lonely and outlying position, far from any village of size, much less a town, and the very highway even was so distant that you could only hear the horse's hoofs when the current of air came from that direction.

After it had gone by they closed their rank, and trudged on toward the village.

He slipped past the wayside inn; he glided by the cottages and gardens at the outskirts of the village; and then, leaving the more thickly inhabited part on one side, went by a rickyard.

Good heavens, no!" "They told me in the village you'd got diphtheria.

Down in Garth village the church clock struck the half hour and the quarter and the hour.

She slipped out into the village about midnight to post the letter, though she knew that it couldn't go one minute before three o'clock on Friday afternoon.

Their talk and laughter echoed all over the mountains, but there was no one to hear them, the nearest village being several miles away and the railway stationnothing but a railway station.

Yet where to go became an agonizing question, for though we were still within the limits of the village, not a roof was to be seen.

My poor little rosewood desk had been mercilessly jabbed with bayonets, and its contents strewn from one end of the village to the other.

It was near night that we came to a small native village of palm huts, and here our boatmen landed and hid themselves, and not being able to find them we were compelled to stay all night, for we dare not go on alone.

My companion and I went out on the beach a mile or two to get the salt water breeze, and leave the stinking malaria for those who chose to stay in the hot, suffocating village, and here we would stay until nearly night.

There is a fixed rifle-battery, too, which fires all day long, a shot at a time, down the main street of the ruined and deserted village named Vrjoozlehem, through which one must pass on the way to the front-line trenches.

16761 examples of  village  in sentences