10 examples of vintagers in sentences

As we passed along, the vintagers turned their heads and greeted us.

The vintagers, who had stood up, smiled as they saw me running.

The carts of the vintagers arrived one by one.

One heard the trampling of the vintagers, the shocks of the carts, the cracking of whips; at times the shrill song of a servant working in the courtyard reached us.

106.The Vintagers, after a Miniature of the "Dialogues de Saint Gregoire" (Thirteenth Century).Manuscript of the Royal Library of Brussels.] Cider (in Latin sicera) and perry can also both claim a very ancient origin, since they are mentioned by Pliny.

Sometimes a flight of the most brilliant crimson and gold lights rushed up together, then again by some farm-house in the meadow, the vintagers would burn a Roman candle, throwing its powerful white light on the gardens and fields around.

The vintagers were busy in the fields around, unloading the vines of their purple tribute, and many a laugh and jest among the merry peasants enlivened the toil.

The vintagers were going forth to their toil; the wine-press was busy in the shade, and the clatter of the mill kept time to the miller's song.

The rich lowland scenery, by the margin of the river, is verdant even in October; and occasionally the landscape is diversified with the picturesque cottages of the vintagers, cut in the rock along the road-side, and overhung by the thick foliage of the vines above them.

As soon as the farmer sees the vintagers turn their backs he carries these props under cover for the winter so that he may use them another year without expense for that account.

10 examples of  vintagers  in sentences