4716 examples of vis in sentences

He would laugh, ay, and heartily, but then it must be at Flaccus's quibble about Rexor at the tristis severitas in vultu, or inspicere in patinas, of Terencethin jests, which at their first broaching could hardly have had vis enough to move a Roman muscle.

Many writers who have been fond of quoting the SI VIS ME FLERE of Horace have written as if they did not believe a word of it; for they have been silent on their own convictions, suppressed their own experience, and falsified their own feelings to repeat the convictions and fine phrases of another.

He seeks as far as possible to liberate the motion which is absorbed in the working of the machine, and to use it as VIS VIVA.

Certainly highly heated solutions forced by an irresistible vis a tergo through rocks of any kind down in the heated zone, would be far more effective leaching agents than cold surface water with feeble solvent power, moved only by gravity, percolating slowly through superficial strata.

To act is far easier than to suffer; yet we every day see the progress of life retarded by the vis inertiae, the mere repugnance to motion, and find multitudes repining at the want of that which nothing but idleness hinders them from enjoying.

TUESDAY, JULY 16, 1751 Sit quod vis simplex duntanat et unum.

Te Cadmea Tyrus, me pinguis Gallia vestit: Vis te purpureum, Marce, sagatus amem?

They carpeted the green floor of the temple, and upon them, in the center, the graceful leaves of the cocoanut stretched to mark the division of the vis-à-vis.

They carpeted the green floor of the temple, and upon them, in the center, the graceful leaves of the cocoanut stretched to mark the division of the vis-à-vis.

The artist was her vis-à-vis, powerful like Samson in his bushy locks, negligent with fore-thought, wearing a massive seal-ring, and fragrant with the perfume of countless pipes.

The artist was her vis-à-vis, powerful like Samson in his bushy locks, negligent with fore-thought, wearing a massive seal-ring, and fragrant with the perfume of countless pipes.

Coelestes animæ! sublimia templa tenentes, Laudibus adcumulate deum super omnia magnum!Tu quoque nunc animi vis tota ac maxuma nostri!

Terence imitated him at Rome, and obtained the preference over Plautus, though Cæsar called him but a demi-Menander, because he appears to want that spirit and vivacity which he calls the vis comica.

Miss Helen Minorkey was thus placed exactly vis-à-vis with her old lover Albert Charlton, but in the darkness of six o'clock on a winter's morning in Minnesota, she could not know it.

Miss Helen Minorkey was thus placed exactly vis-à-vis with her old lover Albert Charlton, but in the darkness of six o'clock on a winter's morning in Minnesota, she could not know it.

Aussi, quand je vis un jeune commandant arracher à ce vieillard sa décoration, je ne me connus plus moi-même, je m'élançai vers mon ancien général, et, lui remettant la croix que j'avais reçue de sa main, je m'écriai: Vive l'Empereur!

Jugez de ma surprise, de ma joie, quand je le vis se relever en souriant ...

A Catherine, votre fermière, vis-à-vis mademoiselle Léonie, votre nièce, contredanse que j'oubliais près de vous.

A Catherine, votre fermière, vis-à-vis mademoiselle Léonie, votre nièce, contredanse que j'oubliais près de vous.

Mais c'est qu'il m'a priée de lui faire vis-à-vis, et j'ai une grande peur que ma danse ne vienne détruire le bon effet de mon chant ...

Mais c'est qu'il m'a priée de lui faire vis-à-vis, et j'ai une grande peur que ma danse ne vienne détruire le bon effet de mon chant ...

il est vis-à-vis d'elle ... comme il la regarde!...

il est vis-à-vis d'elle ... comme il la regarde!...

jugez de ma joie, je crois que je viens de trouver le moyen de m'acquitter vis-à-vis de vous!

jugez de ma joie, je crois que je viens de trouver le moyen de m'acquitter vis-à-vis de vous!

4716 examples of  vis  in sentences