25335 examples of visiter in sentences

It was clearly a man; and as all the males able to bear arms, a single sentinel outside the court excepted, were supposed to be in the group that had not yet separated, the necessity of ascertaining the character of this unlooked-for visiter flashed on the minds of both the old soldiers at the same instant.

After the first salutations, and the usual inquiries, the visiter, with some parade of manner, alluded to the fact that he had sent for a physician for the other's benefit.

The request had been reluctantly granted; but, during the visit, Daggett had managed so well to whet his visiter's appetite for gain, that henceforth there was no trouble in procuring the deacon's company.

Mr. Britton, in his valuable work on York Cathedral, gives a minute description of that part of the Minster which has been destroyed; from which the following is extracted: "After passing through the screen, the visiter is introduced to the choir, which is grand in scale and rich in adornment.

It happened at last that a weekly paper called the Saturday Visiter was started in Baltimore.

" Poe now contributed regularly to the Saturday Visiter, its young editor, Lambert A. Wilmer, becoming his friend and constant companion.

While Poe lived in Baltimore he would go out to walk nearly every day with the editor of the Saturday Visiter; but he sometimes walked alone or with Virginia.

On some occasion, a visiter, to whom this was shown, observed, with affected solemnity, that the letter involved also a miracle, for the paper on which it was written was not in existence till several hundred years after the mother of our Lord had ascended into heaven.

The bottle was brought, and very shortly disappeared, without the aid of the visiter.

At Lilley, I inquired for his house of various people, and they looked ominous; some smiled, others shook their heads, and all appeared surprised at the approach of an apparent visiter to Mr. Kellerman.

A visiter was announceda neighbour and kind friend, a man of wealth and importancewhat were his first words?they were the first I had heard from a stranger since my job,"How are you, Scropps, done up, eh?" Scropps!

The grounds include about 300 acres, of which about 63 acres are disposed into pleasure gardens, &c. Mr. Rogers, the amiable poet, is a constant visiter at Holland House; and the noble host, with Maecenas-like taste, has placed over a rural seat, the following lines, from respect to the author of the "Pleasures of Memory:" Here ROGERS satand here for ever dwell With me, those Pleasures which he sang so well.

Universal Visiter, i. 178, n. 2, 306; ii. 345.

VISITER, aller voir.

VOIR, percevoir par le moyen des yeux; rendre visite à; visiter.

Nous allâmes dans le voisinage visiter ung village monseigneur saint Georg fu martirié; et de retour à Rames, nous reprimes notre route, et arrivâmes en deux jours en la sainte cité de Jhérusalem, nostre Seigneur Jhésu Crist reçut mort et passion pour nous.

Nous allâmes de loger à Samarie, parce que je voulois visiter la mer de Tabarie (lac de Tibériade), l'on dit que saint Pierre pèchoit ordinairement, et y a aucuns (quelques) pardons; c'étoient les quatre-temps de Septembre.

Pendant le séjour qué fit à Damas la caravane, j'allai visiter un lieu de pélerinage, qui est à seize milles environ vers le nord, et qu'on nomme Notre-Dame de Serdenay.

[The Christmas visiter (polaznik).]

All the family gathered round the blazing Yule log now anxiously expect the arrival of the special Christmas visiter, who bears the title of polaznik.

They all answer, "He is born indeed," and the hostess flings a handful of wheat over the Christmas visiter, who moreover casts some of his wheat into the corners of the hall as well as upon the people.

Meanwhile a low wooden chair has been brought in by a woman, and the visiter is led to it to take his seat.

[The Yule log among the Servians of Slavonia; the Christmas visiter (polazenik).]

On Christmas Day, when the family is assembled at table, they expect the arrival of the special Christmas visiter (called polazenik), the only person who is allowed to enter the house that day.

One of the household replies, "He is born indeed," and throws corn on the visiter.

25335 examples of  visiter  in sentences