14 examples of vital be in sentences

On 23rd August at Montigny-le-Tilleul, M. Vital was caught in the act of tending a French soldier, L. Sohier by name, wounded in the head and side.

I shall feel as if my very vitals were being torn out when this child is taken from me!

Such, my lords, is the art of government discovered by the wonderful sagacity of modern statesmen; who have found out, that it is easier to palliate than to cure; and that the people maybe quieted by political soporificks, while diseases are preying upon them, while their strength decays, and their vitals are consumed.

Of these differences the most vital was in the character of the international guaranty of territorial and political sovereignty.

That poor little rag doll, with its head crushed in the wheel tracks, does not after all furnish such a good comparison for Belgium, I think, as I finish this tale; for it had sawdust insidesand Belgium's vitals are the vitals of courage and

I have told the House how far we have at present gone in commitments and the conditions which influence our policy, and I have put to the House, and dwelt at length upon how vital is the condition of the neutrality of Belgium.

So vital is the worth of a penny; so natural is it to kick against the nature of things, when their nature takes the form of steady poverty amid expanding wealth.

The highly injurious effects which these decrees are known to have produced show how vital were the provisions of treaty which they violated, and make manifest the incontrovertible right of the United States to declare, as the consequence of these acts of the other contracting party, the treaties at an end.

Men often fail to see the logic of their own position, and many who claimed the right to differ from Rome on points which Rome considered vital were unable to grant that others had an equal right to differ from Luther, Calvin, or an English State Church.

To rest near the spot where those lov'd ones were sleeping, Was the last earthly wish of her desolate heart; And she pray'd whilst disease to her vitals was creeping, That God would his grace and protection impart.

Virgin innocence has rarely been more happily combined with intellectual culture, and the reader follows the course of her thoughtsand so vital are her thoughts that they cause all the real events of the storywith a tranquil delight in her beautiful simplicity and intelligent affectionateness, compared with which the pleasure derived from the ordinary stimulants of romance is poor and tame.

Gregory of Tours, Eginhard, William of Tyre, Guibert of Nogent, William of Jumieges, and Orderic Vital are worthy of every attention from those whose hearts are set upon thoroughly understanding the history of the periods and the provinces of which those laborers of the middle ages have, in Latin, preserved the memorials.

Whatever is vital is social.

Faith that is vital is not the fruit of things told of, but of things experienced.

14 examples of  vital be  in sentences