16 examples of vitrified in sentences

Dawn broke upon her there, her hat still cockily awry, tears dried in a vitrified gleaming down her cheeks.

We ascended Ben Nevis, on which there was a great deal of snow, and visited the vitrified fort in Glen Nevis.

It is simply clay and sand baked, and often almost vitrified into porcelain-jasper.

V. render hard &c adj.; harden, stiffen, indurate, petrify, temper, ossify, vitrify; accrust^. Adj.

They are a mixed species of opaque vitrified glass, partaking of the mixed nature of stone and glass, and composed of a variety of minerals and materials, coloured for the most part, with different metallic oxydes.

Leibnitz and Buffon believed the earth to have been liquefied by fire; in fact, that it is an extinguished sun or vitrified globe, whose surface has been operated upon by a deluge.

" I chose a flannel with broad green and violet stripes, and very large buttons of vitrified brick which I hoped might break the mangle.

Their bricks, it is believed, were entirely sun-dried, not burnt to fuse or vitrify them as ours are, and they have consequently crumbled into mere mounds.

Good brick earth is not simple clay, but a compound substance; and what is essential is that it should burn hard or, in other words, partly vitrify under the action of heat.

To return to the bricks in the London market: we have firebricks made of fireclay, and almost vitrified and capable of standing intense heat.

It is somewhat curious, that on the evening Mr. Wilmshurst put together his Liverpool Window, his larger Window of the Field of Cloth of Gold, was totally destroyed by fire, and by the next morning all its glories were melted (or vitrified) into tears.

[Footnote 13: A piece of clay pipe, which becomes vitrified if the metal is sufficiently heated.]

In 1867 Mr. W.H. Smith patented a method of preserving timber, by incasing it in vitrified earthenware pipes, and filling the space between the timber and the pipe with a grouting of hydraulic cement.

There was a thick growth of red gums and the papyrus, on its sides, and near the summit we found rocks containing iron; a vein of the same vitrified matter I have described as seen at Swan Point, separated it from the prevailing rock of the island, which was composed of sandstone and fragments of quartz.

In some places I noticed it had the same glazed and vitrified appearance, as before remarked by me at King's Sound, on the North-West coast.

BLOWPIPE, a contrivance by which a current of air is driven through a flame, and the flame directed upon some fusible substance to fuse or vitrify it.

16 examples of  vitrified  in sentences